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Type Aliases





Re-exports Web3Eth


Re-exports decodeEventABI






  • decodeLog<ReturnType_1>(inputs: readonly AbiParameter[] | AbiParameter[], data: string, topics: string | string[]): ReturnType_1
  • Decodes ABI-encoded log data and indexed topic data.

    let res = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog(
    type: "string",
    name: "myString",
    type: "uint256",
    name: "myNumber",
    indexed: true,
    type: "uint8",
    name: "mySmallNumber",
    indexed: true,
    > {
    '0': 'Hello%!',
    '1': 62224n,
    '2': 16n,
    __length__: 3,
    myString: 'Hello%!',
    myNumber: 62224n,
    mySmallNumber: 16n

    Type parameters


    • inputs: readonly AbiParameter[] | AbiParameter[]

      A AbiParameter input array. See the Solidity documentation for a list of types.

    • data: string

      The ABI byte code in the data field of a log.

    • topics: string | string[]

      An array with the index parameter topics of the log, without the topic[0] if its a non-anonymous event, otherwise with topic[0]

    Returns ReturnType_1

    • The result object containing the decoded parameters.


  • decodeParameter(abi: AbiInput, bytes: string): unknown
  • Decodes an ABI encoded parameter to its JavaScript type.

      const res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter(
    > 16n

    const res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter(

    > Hello!%!

    const res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter(
    ParentStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",
    childStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",

    '0': 42n,
    '1': 56n,
    '2': {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n
    __length__: 3,
    propertyOne: 42n,
    propertyTwo: 56n,
    childStruct: {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n


    Returns unknown

    • The decoded parameter


  • decodeParameters(abi: readonly AbiInput[] | AbiInput[], bytes: string): { __length__: number }
  • Decodes ABI encoded parameters to its JavaScript types.

    let res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(
    ["string", "uint256"],
    > { '0': 'Hello!%!', '1': 234n, __length__: 2 }

    let res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(
    type: "string",
    name: "myString",
    type: "uint256",
    name: "myNumber",
    > {
    '0': 'Hello!%!',
    '1': 234n,
    __length__: 2,
    myString: 'Hello!%!',
    myNumber: 234n

    const res = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(
    ParentStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",
    childStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",
    '0': [ 42n, 24n ],
    '1': {
    '0': 42n,
    '1': 56n,
    '2': {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n
    __length__: 3,
    propertyOne: 42n,
    propertyTwo: 56n,
    childStruct: {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n
    __length__: 2,
    ParentStruct: {
    '0': 42n,
    '1': 56n,
    '2': {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n
    __length__: 3,
    propertyOne: 42n,
    propertyTwo: 56n,
    childStruct: {
    '0': 45n,
    '1': 78n,
    __length__: 2,
    propertyOne: 45n,
    propertyTwo: 78n


    Returns { __length__: number }

    • The result object containing the decoded parameters.
    • [key string]: unknown
    • __length__: number


  • decodeParametersWith(abis: readonly AbiInput[] | AbiInput[], bytes: string, loose: boolean): { __length__: number }
  • Should be used to decode list of params


    Returns { __length__: number }

    • [key string]: unknown
    • __length__: number


  • Encodes the error name to its ABI signature, which are the sha3 hash of the error name including input types.


    Returns string


  • Encodes the event name to its ABI signature, which are the sha3 hash of the event name including input types.

    const event = web3.eth.abi.encodeEventSignature({
    name: "myEvent",
    type: "event",
    inputs: [
    type: "uint256",
    name: "myNumber",
    type: "bytes32",
    name: "myBytes",
    > 0xf2eeb729e636a8cb783be044acf6b7b1e2c5863735b60d6daae84c366ee87d97

    const event = web3.eth.abi.encodeEventSignature({
    inputs: [
    indexed: true,
    name: "from",
    type: "address",
    indexed: true,
    name: "to",
    type: "address",
    indexed: false,
    name: "value",
    type: "uint256",
    name: "Transfer",
    type: "event",
    > 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef


    • functionName: string | AbiEventFragment

      The event name to encode, or the AbiEventFragment object of the event. If string, it has to be in the form of eventName(param1Type,param2Type,...). eg: myEvent(uint256,bytes32).

    Returns string

    • The ABI signature of the event.


  • Encodes a function call using its JSON interface object and given parameters. The JSON interface spec documentation

    const sig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall(
    name: "myMethod",
    type: "function",
    inputs: [
    type: "uint256",
    name: "myNumber",
    type: "string",
    name: "myString",
    ["2345675643", "Hello!%"]
    > 0x24ee0097000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008bd02b7b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000748656c6c6f212500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    const sig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall(
    inputs: [
    name: "account",
    type: "address",
    name: "balanceOf",
    outputs: [
    name: "",
    type: "uint256",
    stateMutability: "view",
    type: "function",

    > 0x70a082310000000000000000000000001234567890123456789012345678901234567890


    • jsonInterface: AbiFunctionFragment

      The JSON interface object of the function.

    • params: unknown[]

      The parameters to encode

    Returns string

    • The ABI encoded function call, which, means the function signature and the parameters passed.


  • Encodes the function name to its ABI representation, which are the first 4 bytes of the sha3 of the function name including types. The JSON interface spec documentation

    const signature = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature({
    name: "myMethod",
    type: "function",
    inputs: [
    type: "uint256",
    name: "myNumber",
    type: "string",
    name: "myString",
    > 0x24ee0097

    const signature = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature('myMethod(uint256,string)')
    > 0x24ee0097

    const signature = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature('safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)');
    > 0xb88d4fde


    • functionName: string | AbiFunctionFragment

      The function name to encode or the JSON interface object of the function. If the passed parameter is a string, it has to be in the form of functionName(param1Type,param2Type,...). eg: myFunction(uint256,uint32[],bytes10,bytes)

    Returns string

    • The ABI signature of the function.


  • encodeParameter(abi: AbiInput, param: unknown): string
  • Encodes a parameter based on its type to its ABI representation.

     const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("uint256", "2345675643");

    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("uint", "2345675643");


    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes32", "0xdf3234");


    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes", "0xdf3234");

    > 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003df32340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes32[]", ["0xdf3234", "0xfdfd"]);

    > 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002df32340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fdfd000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter(
    ParentStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",
    childStruct: {
    propertyOne: "uint256",
    propertyTwo: "uint256",
    propertyOne: 42,
    propertyTwo: 56,
    childStruct: {
    propertyOne: 45,
    propertyTwo: 78,

    > 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000038000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004e


    Returns string

    • The ABI encoded parameter


  • encodeParameters(abi: readonly AbiInput[], params: unknown[]): string
  • Encodes a parameter based on its type to its ABI representation.

    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(
    ["uint256", "string"],
    ["2345675643", "Hello!%"]

    > 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008bd02b7b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000748656c6c6f212500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


    Returns string

    • The ABI encoded parameters


  • flattenTypes(includeTuple: boolean, puts: readonly AbiParameter[]): string[]
  • used to flatten json abi inputs/outputs into an array of type-representing-strings


    Returns string[]


  • formatOddHexstrings(param: string): string
  • format odd-length bytes to even-length


    • param: string

    Returns string


  • formatParam(type: string, _param: unknown): unknown
  • Handle some formatting of params for backwards compatibility with Ethers V4


    • type: string
    • _param: unknown

    Returns unknown


  • Get the EIP-191 encoded message to sign, from the typedData object. If hash is enabled, the message will be hashed with Keccak256.


    Returns string


  • inferTypesAndEncodeParameters(params: unknown[]): string
  • Infer a smart contract method parameter type and then encode this parameter.


    This method is useful when you don't know the type of the parameters you want to encode. It will infer the type of the parameters and then encode them. However, it is not recommended to use this method when you know the type of the parameters you want to encode. In this case, use the encodeParameters method instead. The type inference is not perfect and can lead to unexpected results. Especially when you want to encode an array, uint that is not uint256 or bytes....

    const res = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(
    ["2345675643", "Hello!%"]

    > 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008bd02b7b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000748656c6c6f212500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


    • params: unknown[]

      The parameters to encode.

    Returns string

    • The ABI encoded parameters







  • isOddHexstring(param: unknown): boolean
  • returns true if input is a hexstring and is odd-lengthed


    • param: unknown

    Returns boolean



  • Should be used to create full function/event name from json abi returns a string


    Returns string


  • mapStructNameAndType(structName: string): AbiStruct
  • Maps the correct tuple type and name when the simplified format in encode/decodeParameter is used


    • structName: string

    Returns AbiStruct


  • Maps the simplified format in to the expected format of the ABICoder


    Returns AbiCoderStruct[]


  • Map types if simplified format is used


    Returns (string | Record<string, unknown> | AbiParameter)[]






  • checkMaxInitCodeSize(common: Common, length: number): void
  • Parameters

    • common: Common
    • length: number

    Returns void


  • getAccessListData(accessList: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList): { AccessListJSON: AccessList; accessList: AccessListUint8Array }
  • Parameters

    • accessList: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList

    Returns { AccessListJSON: AccessList; accessList: AccessListUint8Array }

    • AccessListJSON: AccessList
    • accessList: AccessListUint8Array


  • getAccessListJSON(accessList: AccessListUint8Array): { address: string; storageKeys: string[] }[]
  • Parameters

    • accessList: AccessListUint8Array

    Returns { address: string; storageKeys: string[] }[]


  • getDataFeeEIP2930(accessList: AccessListUint8Array, common: Common): number
  • Parameters

    • accessList: AccessListUint8Array
    • common: Common

    Returns number


  • verifyAccessList(accessList: AccessListUint8Array): void
  • Parameters

    • accessList: AccessListUint8Array

    Returns void



Can be used in conjunction with Transaction.supports to query on tx capabilities


EIP1559FeeMarket: 1559

Tx supports EIP-1559 gas fee market mechanism See: 1559 Fee Market EIP


EIP155ReplayProtection: 155

Tx supports EIP-155 replay protection See: 155 Replay Attack Protection EIP


EIP2718TypedTransaction: 2718

Tx is a typed transaction as defined in EIP-2718 See: 2718 Transaction Type EIP


EIP2930AccessLists: 2930

Tx supports access list generation as defined in EIP-2930 See: 2930 Access Lists EIP




Goerli: 5


Mainnet: 1


Sepolia: 11155111




Casper: casper


Clique: clique


Ethash: ethash




ProofOfAuthority: poa


ProofOfStake: pos


ProofOfWork: pow




ArbitrumOne: arbitrum-one

Arbitrum One - mainnet for Arbitrum roll-up


ArbitrumRinkebyTestnet: arbitrum-rinkeby-testnet

Arbitrum Rinkeby Testnet


OptimisticEthereum: optimistic-ethereum

Optimistic Ethereum - mainnet for Optimism roll-up


OptimisticKovan: optimistic-kovan

Optimistic Kovan - testnet for Optimism roll-up


PolygonMainnet: polygon-mainnet

Polygon (Matic) Mainnet


PolygonMumbai: polygon-mumbai

Polygon (Matic) Mumbai Testnet


xDaiChain: x-dai-chain

xDai EVM sidechain with a native stable token




ArrowGlacier: arrowGlacier


Berlin: berlin


Byzantium: byzantium


Chainstart: chainstart


Constantinople: constantinople


Dao: dao


GrayGlacier: grayGlacier


Homestead: homestead


Istanbul: istanbul


London: london


Merge: merge


MergeForkIdTransition: mergeForkIdTransition


MuirGlacier: muirGlacier


Petersburg: petersburg


Shanghai: shanghai


ShardingForkDev: shardingFork


SpuriousDragon: spuriousDragon


TangerineWhistle: tangerineWhistle



Type output options


BigInt: 1


Number: 0


PrefixedHexString: 3


Uint8Array: 2



Typed transaction with optional access lists


  • new AccessListEIP2930Transaction(txData: AccessListEIP2930TxData, opts?: TxOptions): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • This constructor takes the values, validates them, assigns them and freezes the object.

    It is not recommended to use this constructor directly. Instead use the static factory methods to assist in creating a Transaction object from varying data types.


    • txData: AccessListEIP2930TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction


AccessListJSON: AccessList


accessList: AccessListUint8Array


chainId: bigint


common: Common


data: Uint8Array


gasLimit: bigint


gasPrice: bigint


nonce: bigint


r?: bigint


s?: bigint


to?: Address


v?: bigint


value: bigint


  • get type(): number
  • Returns the transaction type.

    Note: legacy txs will return tx type 0.

    Returns number


  • _processSignature(v: bigint, r: Uint8Array, s: Uint8Array): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • Parameters

    • v: bigint
    • r: Uint8Array
    • s: Uint8Array

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction


  • errorStr(): string
  • Return a compact error string representation of the object

    Returns string


  • getBaseFee(): bigint
  • The minimum amount of gas the tx must have (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee)

    Returns bigint


  • getDataFee(): bigint
  • The amount of gas paid for the data in this tx

    Returns bigint


  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage?: boolean): Uint8Array
  • Returns the serialized unsigned tx (hashed or raw), which can be used to sign the transaction (e.g. for sending to a hardware wallet).

    Note: in contrast to the legacy tx the raw message format is already serialized and doesn't need to be RLP encoded any more.

    const serializedMessage = tx.getMessageToSign(false) // use this for the HW wallet input


    • optionalhashMessage: boolean

      Return hashed message if set to true (default: true)

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getMessageToVerifySignature(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash which can be used to verify the signature

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getSenderAddress(): Address
  • Returns the sender's address

    Returns Address


  • getSenderPublicKey(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the public key of the sender

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getUpfrontCost(): bigint
  • The up front amount that an account must have for this transaction to be valid

    Returns bigint


  • hash(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash of the serialized tx.

    This method can only be used for signed txs (it throws otherwise). Use AccessListEIP2930Transaction.getMessageToSign to get a tx hash for the purpose of signing.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • isSigned(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • raw(): AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray
  • Returns a Uint8Array Array of the raw Uint8Arrays of the EIP-2930 transaction, in order.


    [chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList,
    signatureYParity (v), signatureR (r), signatureS (s)]

    Use AccessListEIP2930Transaction.serialize to add a transaction to a block with Block.fromValuesArray.

    For an unsigned tx this method uses the empty UINT8ARRAY values for the signature parameters v, r and s for encoding. For an EIP-155 compliant representation for external signing use AccessListEIP2930Transaction.getMessageToSign.

    Returns AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray


  • serialize(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the serialized encoding of the EIP-2930 transaction.


    0x01 || rlp([chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList,
    signatureYParity (v), signatureR (r), signatureS (s)])

    Note that in contrast to the legacy tx serialization format this is not valid RLP any more due to the raw tx type preceding and concatenated to the RLP encoding of the values.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • sign(privateKey: Uint8Array): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • Signs a transaction.

    Note that the signed tx is returned as a new object, use as follows:

    const signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey)


    • privateKey: Uint8Array

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction


  • supports(capability: Capability): boolean
  • Checks if a tx type defining capability is active on a tx, for example the EIP-1559 fee market mechanism or the EIP-2930 access list feature.

    Note that this is different from the tx type itself, so EIP-2930 access lists can very well be active on an EIP-1559 tx for example.

    This method can be useful for feature checks if the tx type is unknown (e.g. when instantiated with the tx factory).

    See Capabilites in the types module for a reference on all supported capabilities.


    • capability: Capability

    Returns boolean


  • toCreationAddress(): boolean
  • If the tx's to is to the creation address

    Returns boolean


  • toJSON(): JsonTx
  • Returns an object with the JSON representation of the transaction

    Returns JsonTx


  • validate(): boolean
  • validate(stringError: false): boolean
  • validate(stringError: true): string[]
  • Checks if the transaction has the minimum amount of gas required (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee).

    Returns boolean


  • verifySignature(): boolean
  • Determines if the signature is valid

    Returns boolean


  • fromSerializedTx(serialized: Uint8Array, opts?: TxOptions): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from the serialized tx.


    0x01 || rlp([chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList,
    signatureYParity (v), signatureR (r), signatureS (s)])


    • serialized: Uint8Array
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction


  • fromTxData(txData: AccessListEIP2930TxData, opts?: TxOptions): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from a data dictionary.

    Format: { chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList, v, r, s }


    • chainId will be set automatically if not provided
    • All parameters are optional and have some basic default values


    • txData: AccessListEIP2930TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction


  • fromValuesArray(values: AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray, opts?: TxOptions): AccessListEIP2930Transaction
  • Create a transaction from a values array.


    [chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList,
    signatureYParity (v), signatureR (r), signatureS (s)]


    • values: AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns AccessListEIP2930Transaction



This base class will likely be subject to further refactoring along the introduction of additional tx types on the Ethereum network.

It is therefore not recommended to use directly.

Type parameters

  • TransactionObject


  • new BaseTransaction<TransactionObject>(txData: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData, opts: TxOptions): BaseTransaction<TransactionObject>
  • Type parameters

    • TransactionObject


    • txData: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData
    • opts: TxOptions

    Returns BaseTransaction<TransactionObject>


common: Common


data: Uint8Array


gasLimit: bigint


nonce: bigint


r?: bigint


s?: bigint


to?: Address


v?: bigint


value: bigint


  • get type(): number
  • Returns the transaction type.

    Note: legacy txs will return tx type 0.

    Returns number


  • errorStr(): string
  • Return a compact error string representation of the object

    Returns string


  • getBaseFee(): bigint
  • The minimum amount of gas the tx must have (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee)

    Returns bigint


  • getDataFee(): bigint
  • The amount of gas paid for the data in this tx

    Returns bigint


  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage: false): Uint8Array | Uint8Array[]
  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage?: true): Uint8Array
  • Parameters

    • hashMessage: false

    Returns Uint8Array | Uint8Array[]


  • getMessageToVerifySignature(): Uint8Array
  • Returns Uint8Array


  • getSenderAddress(): Address
  • Returns the sender's address

    Returns Address


  • getSenderPublicKey(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the public key of the sender

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getUpfrontCost(): bigint
  • The up front amount that an account must have for this transaction to be valid

    Returns bigint


  • hash(): Uint8Array
  • Returns Uint8Array


  • isSigned(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • raw(): FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray | AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray | TxValuesArray
  • Returns a Uint8Array Array of the raw Uint8Arrays of this transaction, in order.

    Use BaseTransaction.serialize to add a transaction to a block with Block.fromValuesArray.

    For an unsigned tx this method uses the empty Uint8Array values for the signature parameters v, r and s for encoding. For an EIP-155 compliant representation for external signing use BaseTransaction.getMessageToSign.

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray | AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray | TxValuesArray


  • serialize(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the encoding of the transaction.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • sign(privateKey: Uint8Array): TransactionObject
  • Signs a transaction.

    Note that the signed tx is returned as a new object, use as follows:

    const signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey)


    • privateKey: Uint8Array

    Returns TransactionObject


  • supports(capability: Capability): boolean
  • Checks if a tx type defining capability is active on a tx, for example the EIP-1559 fee market mechanism or the EIP-2930 access list feature.

    Note that this is different from the tx type itself, so EIP-2930 access lists can very well be active on an EIP-1559 tx for example.

    This method can be useful for feature checks if the tx type is unknown (e.g. when instantiated with the tx factory).

    See Capabilites in the types module for a reference on all supported capabilities.


    • capability: Capability

    Returns boolean


  • toCreationAddress(): boolean
  • If the tx's to is to the creation address

    Returns boolean


  • toJSON(): JsonTx
  • Returns an object with the JSON representation of the transaction

    Returns JsonTx


  • validate(): boolean
  • validate(stringError: false): boolean
  • validate(stringError: true): string[]
  • Checks if the transaction has the minimum amount of gas required (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee).

    Returns boolean


  • verifySignature(): boolean
  • Determines if the signature is valid

    Returns boolean


  • fromSerializedTx(serialized: Uint8Array, opts?: TxOptions): any
  • Parameters

    • serialized: Uint8Array
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns any


  • fromTxData(txData: any, opts?: TxOptions): any
  • Parameters

    • txData: any
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns any



Common class to access chain and hardfork parameters and to provide a unified and shared view on the network and hardfork state.

Use the Common.custom static constructor for creating simple custom chain Common objects (more complete custom chain setups can be created via the main constructor and the CommonOpts.customChains parameter).


  • new Common(opts: CommonOpts): Common
  • Parameters

    • opts: CommonOpts

    Returns Common




  • _calcForkHash(hardfork: string, genesisHash: Uint8Array): string
  • Internal helper function to calculate a fork hash


    • hardfork: string

      Hardfork name

    • genesisHash: Uint8Array

      Genesis block hash of the chain

    Returns string

    Fork hash as hex string


  • _getHardfork(hardfork: string): null | HardforkConfig
  • Internal helper function, returns the params for the given hardfork for the chain set


    • hardfork: string

      Hardfork name

    Returns null | HardforkConfig

    Dictionary with hardfork params or null if hardfork not on chain


  • activeOnBlock(blockNumber: Numbers): boolean
  • Alias to hardforkIsActiveOnBlock when hardfork is set


    Returns boolean

    True if HF is active on block number


  • bootstrapNodes(): undefined | BootstrapNodeConfig[]
  • Returns bootstrap nodes for the current chain

    Returns undefined | BootstrapNodeConfig[]

    Dict with bootstrap nodes


  • chainId(): bigint
  • Returns the Id of current chain

    Returns bigint

    chain Id


  • chainName(): string
  • Returns the name of current chain

    Returns string

    chain name (lower case)


  • consensusAlgorithm(): string
  • Returns the concrete consensus implementation algorithm or protocol for the network e.g. "ethash" for "pow" consensus type, "clique" for "poa" consensus type or "casper" for "pos" consensus type.

    Note: This value can update along a Hardfork.

    Returns string


  • consensusConfig(): {}
  • Returns a dictionary with consensus configuration parameters based on the consensus algorithm

    Expected returns (parameters must be present in the respective chain json files):

    ethash: empty object clique: period, epoch casper: empty object

    Note: This value can update along a Hardfork.

    Returns {}

    • [key string]: CliqueConfig | EthashConfig | CasperConfig


  • consensusType(): string
  • Returns the consensus type of the network Possible values: "pow"|"poa"|"pos"

    Note: This value can update along a Hardfork.

    Returns string


  • copy(): Common
  • Returns a deep copy of this Common instance.

    Returns Common


  • dnsNetworks(): string[]
  • Returns DNS networks for the current chain

    Returns string[]

    Array of DNS ENR urls


  • eipBlock(eip: number): null | bigint
  • Returns the hardfork change block for eip


    • eip: number

      EIP number

    Returns null | bigint

    Block number or null if unscheduled


  • eips(): number[]
  • Returns the active EIPs

    Returns number[]

    List of EIPs


  • forkHash(_hardfork?: string, genesisHash?: Uint8Array): string
  • Returns an eth/64 compliant fork hash (EIP-2124)


    • optional_hardfork: string
    • optionalgenesisHash: Uint8Array

      Genesis block hash of the chain, optional if already defined and not needed to be calculated

    Returns string


  • genesis(): GenesisBlockConfig
  • Returns the Genesis parameters of the current chain

    Returns GenesisBlockConfig

    Genesis dictionary


  • Returns the hardfork based on the block number or an optional total difficulty (Merge HF) provided.

    An optional TD takes precedence in case the corresponding HF block is set to null or otherwise needs to match (if not an error will be thrown).


    Returns string

    The name of the HF


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • gteHardfork(hardfork: string): boolean
  • Alias to hardforkGteHardfork when hardfork is set


    • hardfork: string

      Hardfork name

    Returns boolean

    True if hardfork set is greater than hardfork provided


  • hardfork(): string
  • Returns the hardfork set

    Returns string

    Hardfork name


  • hardforkBlock(_hardfork?: string): null | bigint
  • Returns the hardfork change block for hardfork provided or set


    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns null | bigint

    Block number or null if unscheduled


  • hardforkForForkHash(forkHash: string): null | HardforkConfig

  • Parameters

    • forkHash: string

      Fork hash as a hex string

    Returns null | HardforkConfig

    Array with hardfork data (name, block, forkHash)


  • hardforkGteHardfork(_hardfork1: null | string, hardfork2: string): boolean
  • Sequence based check if given or set HF1 is greater than or equal HF2


    • _hardfork1: null | string
    • hardfork2: string

      Hardfork name

    Returns boolean

    True if HF1 gte HF2


  • hardforkIsActiveOnBlock(_hardfork: null | string, _blockNumber: Numbers): boolean
  • Checks if set or provided hardfork is active on block number


    • _hardfork: null | string
    • _blockNumber: Numbers

    Returns boolean

    True if HF is active on block number


  • hardforkTTD(_hardfork?: string): null | bigint
  • Returns the hardfork change total difficulty (Merge HF) for hardfork provided or set


    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns null | bigint

    Total difficulty or null if no set


  • hardforkTimestamp(_hardfork?: string): null | bigint
  • Parameters

    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns null | bigint


  • hardforks(): HardforkConfig[]
  • Returns the hardforks for current chain

    Returns HardforkConfig[]

    Array with arrays of hardforks


  • isActivatedEIP(eip: number): boolean
  • Checks if an EIP is activated by either being included in the EIPs manually passed in with the CommonOpts.eips or in a hardfork currently being active

    Note: this method only works for EIPs being supported by the CommonOpts.eips constructor option


    • eip: number

    Returns boolean


  • isHardforkBlock(_blockNumber: Numbers, _hardfork?: string): boolean
  • True if block number provided is the hardfork (given or set) change block



    • _blockNumber: Numbers
    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns boolean

    True if blockNumber is HF block


  • isNextHardforkBlock(_blockNumber: Numbers, _hardfork?: string): boolean
  • True if block number provided is the hardfork change block following the hardfork given or set



    • _blockNumber: Numbers
    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns boolean

    True if blockNumber is HF block


  • networkId(): bigint
  • Returns the Id of current network

    Returns bigint

    network Id


  • nextHardforkBlock(_hardfork?: string): null | bigint
  • Returns the change block for the next hardfork after the hardfork provided or set



    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns null | bigint

    Block number or null if not available


  • nextHardforkBlockOrTimestamp(_hardfork?: string): null | bigint
  • Returns the change block for the next hardfork after the hardfork provided or set


    • optional_hardfork: string

    Returns null | bigint

    Block timestamp, number or null if not available


  • param(topic: string, name: string): bigint
  • Returns a parameter for the current chain setup

    If the parameter is present in an EIP, the EIP always takes precedence. Otherwise the parameter if taken from the latest applied HF with a change on the respective parameter.


    • topic: string

      Parameter topic ('gasConfig', 'gasPrices', 'vm', 'pow')

    • name: string

      Parameter name (e.g. 'minGasLimit' for 'gasConfig' topic)

    Returns bigint

    The value requested or BigInt(0) if not found


  • paramByBlock(topic: string, name: string, blockNumber: Numbers, td?: Numbers, timestamp?: Numbers): bigint
  • Returns a parameter for the hardfork active on block number or optional provided total difficulty (Merge HF)


    • topic: string

      Parameter topic

    • name: string

      Parameter name

    • blockNumber: Numbers

      Block number

    • optionaltd: Numbers

      Total difficulty *

    • optionaltimestamp: Numbers

    Returns bigint

    The value requested or BigInt(0) if not found


  • paramByEIP(topic: string, name: string, eip: number): undefined | bigint
  • Returns a parameter corresponding to an EIP


    • topic: string

      Parameter topic ('gasConfig', 'gasPrices', 'vm', 'pow')

    • name: string

      Parameter name (e.g. 'minGasLimit' for 'gasConfig' topic)

    • eip: number

      Number of the EIP

    Returns undefined | bigint

    The value requested or undefined if not found


  • paramByHardfork(topic: string, name: string, hardfork: string): bigint
  • Returns the parameter corresponding to a hardfork


    • topic: string

      Parameter topic ('gasConfig', 'gasPrices', 'vm', 'pow')

    • name: string

      Parameter name (e.g. 'minGasLimit' for 'gasConfig' topic)

    • hardfork: string

      Hardfork name

    Returns bigint

    The value requested or BigInt(0) if not found


  • setChain(chain: string | number | bigint | object): ChainConfig
  • Sets the chain


    • chain: string | number | bigint | object

      String ('mainnet') or Number (1) chain representation. Or, a Dictionary of chain parameters for a private network.

    Returns ChainConfig

    The dictionary with parameters set as chain


  • setEIPs(eips?: number[]): void
  • Sets the active EIPs


    • optionaleips: number[]

    Returns void


  • setForkHashes(genesisHash: Uint8Array): void
  • Sets any missing forkHashes on the passed-in Common instance


    • genesisHash: Uint8Array

      The genesis block hash

    Returns void


  • setHardfork(hardfork: string): void
  • Sets the hardfork to get params for


    • hardfork: string

      String identifier (e.g. 'byzantium') or Hardfork enum

    Returns void


  • Sets a new hardfork based on the block number or an optional total difficulty (Merge HF) provided.

    An optional TD takes precedence in case the corresponding HF block is set to null or otherwise needs to match (if not an error will be thrown).


    Returns string

    The name of the HF set


  • setMaxListeners(maxListeners: number): this
  • Parameters

    • maxListeners: number

    Returns this


  • _getInitializedChains(customChains?: ChainConfig[]): ChainsConfig
  • Parameters

    • optionalcustomChains: ChainConfig[]

    Returns ChainsConfig


  • custom(chainParamsOrName: Partial<ChainConfig> | CustomChain, opts?: CustomCommonOpts): Common
  • Creates a Common object for a custom chain, based on a standard one.

    It uses all the Chain parameters from the baseChain option except the ones overridden in a provided chainParamsOrName dictionary. Some usage example:

    Common.custom({chainId: 123})

    There are also selected supported custom chains which can be initialized by using one of the CustomChains for chainParamsOrName, e.g.:


    Note that these supported custom chains only provide some base parameters (usually the chain and network ID and a name) and can only be used for selected use cases (e.g. sending a tx with the web3-utils/tx library to a Layer-2 chain).


    • chainParamsOrName: Partial<ChainConfig> | CustomChain

      Custom parameter dict (name will default to custom-chain) or string with name of a supported custom chain

    • optionalopts: CustomCommonOpts

      Custom chain options to set the CustomCommonOpts.baseChain, selected CustomCommonOpts.hardfork and others

    Returns Common


  • fromGethGenesis(genesisJson: any, to: GethConfigOpts): Common
  • Static method to load and set common from a geth genesis json


    • genesisJson: any

      json of geth configuration

    • to: GethConfigOpts

      further configure the common instance

    Returns Common



  • isSupportedChainId(chainId: bigint): boolean
  • Static method to determine if a chainId is supported as a standard chain


    • chainId: bigint

      bigint id (1) of a standard chain

    Returns boolean




Typed transaction with a new gas fee market mechanism


  • new FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction(txData: FeeMarketEIP1559TxData, opts?: TxOptions): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • This constructor takes the values, validates them, assigns them and freezes the object.

    It is not recommended to use this constructor directly. Instead use the static factory methods to assist in creating a Transaction object from varying data types.


    • txData: FeeMarketEIP1559TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


AccessListJSON: AccessList


accessList: AccessListUint8Array


chainId: bigint


common: Common


data: Uint8Array


gasLimit: bigint


maxFeePerGas: bigint


maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint


nonce: bigint


r?: bigint


s?: bigint


to?: Address


v?: bigint


value: bigint


  • get type(): number
  • Returns the transaction type.

    Note: legacy txs will return tx type 0.

    Returns number


  • _processSignature(v: bigint, r: Uint8Array, s: Uint8Array): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • Parameters

    • v: bigint
    • r: Uint8Array
    • s: Uint8Array

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


  • errorStr(): string
  • Return a compact error string representation of the object

    Returns string


  • getBaseFee(): bigint
  • The minimum amount of gas the tx must have (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee)

    Returns bigint


  • getDataFee(): bigint
  • The amount of gas paid for the data in this tx

    Returns bigint


  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage?: boolean): Uint8Array
  • Returns the serialized unsigned tx (hashed or raw), which can be used to sign the transaction (e.g. for sending to a hardware wallet).

    Note: in contrast to the legacy tx the raw message format is already serialized and doesn't need to be RLP encoded any more.

    const serializedMessage = tx.getMessageToSign(false) // use this for the HW wallet input


    • optionalhashMessage: boolean

      Return hashed message if set to true (default: true)

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getMessageToVerifySignature(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash which can be used to verify the signature

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getSenderAddress(): Address
  • Returns the sender's address

    Returns Address


  • getSenderPublicKey(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the public key of the sender

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getUpfrontCost(baseFee?: bigint): bigint
  • The up front amount that an account must have for this transaction to be valid


    • optionalbaseFee: bigint

      The base fee of the block (will be set to 0 if not provided)

    Returns bigint


  • hash(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash of the serialized tx.

    This method can only be used for signed txs (it throws otherwise). Use FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.getMessageToSign to get a tx hash for the purpose of signing.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • isSigned(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • raw(): FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray
  • Returns a Uint8Array Array of the raw Uint8Arrays of the EIP-1559 transaction, in order.


    [chainId, nonce, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, gasLimit, to, value, data,
    accessList, signatureYParity, signatureR, signatureS]

    Use FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.serialize to add a transaction to a block with Block.fromValuesArray.

    For an unsigned tx this method uses the empty Uint8Array values for the signature parameters v, r and s for encoding. For an EIP-155 compliant representation for external signing use FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.getMessageToSign.

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray


  • serialize(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the serialized encoding of the EIP-1559 transaction.


    0x02 || rlp([chainId, nonce, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, gasLimit, to, value, data,
    accessList, signatureYParity, signatureR, signatureS])

    Note that in contrast to the legacy tx serialization format this is not valid RLP any more due to the raw tx type preceding and concatenated to the RLP encoding of the values.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • sign(privateKey: Uint8Array): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • Signs a transaction.

    Note that the signed tx is returned as a new object, use as follows:

    const signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey)


    • privateKey: Uint8Array

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


  • supports(capability: Capability): boolean
  • Checks if a tx type defining capability is active on a tx, for example the EIP-1559 fee market mechanism or the EIP-2930 access list feature.

    Note that this is different from the tx type itself, so EIP-2930 access lists can very well be active on an EIP-1559 tx for example.

    This method can be useful for feature checks if the tx type is unknown (e.g. when instantiated with the tx factory).

    See Capabilites in the types module for a reference on all supported capabilities.


    • capability: Capability

    Returns boolean


  • toCreationAddress(): boolean
  • If the tx's to is to the creation address

    Returns boolean


  • toJSON(): JsonTx
  • Returns an object with the JSON representation of the transaction

    Returns JsonTx


  • validate(): boolean
  • validate(stringError: false): boolean
  • validate(stringError: true): string[]
  • Checks if the transaction has the minimum amount of gas required (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee).

    Returns boolean


  • verifySignature(): boolean
  • Determines if the signature is valid

    Returns boolean


  • fromSerializedTx(serialized: Uint8Array, opts?: TxOptions): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from the serialized tx.


    0x02 || rlp([chainId, nonce, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, gasLimit, to, value, data,
    accessList, signatureYParity, signatureR, signatureS])


    • serialized: Uint8Array
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


  • fromTxData(txData: FeeMarketEIP1559TxData, opts?: TxOptions): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from a data dictionary.

    Format: { chainId, nonce, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, gasLimit, to, value, data, accessList, v, r, s }


    • chainId will be set automatically if not provided
    • All parameters are optional and have some basic default values


    • txData: FeeMarketEIP1559TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


  • fromValuesArray(values: FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray, opts?: TxOptions): FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
  • Create a transaction from a values array.


    [chainId, nonce, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, gasLimit, to, value, data,
    accessList, signatureYParity, signatureR, signatureS]


    • values: FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction



An Ethereum non-typed (legacy) transaction


  • new Transaction(txData: TxData, opts?: TxOptions): Transaction
  • This constructor takes the values, validates them, assigns them and freezes the object.

    It is not recommended to use this constructor directly. Instead use the static factory methods to assist in creating a Transaction object from varying data types.


    • txData: TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns Transaction


common: Common


data: Uint8Array


gasLimit: bigint


gasPrice: bigint


nonce: bigint


r?: bigint


s?: bigint


to?: Address


v?: bigint


value: bigint


  • get type(): number
  • Returns the transaction type.

    Note: legacy txs will return tx type 0.

    Returns number


  • errorStr(): string
  • Return a compact error string representation of the object

    Returns string


  • getBaseFee(): bigint
  • The minimum amount of gas the tx must have (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee)

    Returns bigint


  • getDataFee(): bigint
  • The amount of gas paid for the data in this tx

    Returns bigint


  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage: false): Uint8Array[]
  • getMessageToSign(hashMessage?: true): Uint8Array
  • Returns the unsigned tx (hashed or raw), which can be used to sign the transaction (e.g. for sending to a hardware wallet).

    Note: the raw message message format for the legacy tx is not RLP encoded and you might need to do yourself with:

    import { bufArrToArr } from '../util'
    import { RLP } from '../rlp'
    const message = tx.getMessageToSign(false)
    const serializedMessage = RLP.encode(message) // use this for the HW wallet input


    • hashMessage: false

      Return hashed message if set to true (default: true)

    Returns Uint8Array[]


  • getMessageToVerifySignature(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash which can be used to verify the signature

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getSenderAddress(): Address
  • Returns the sender's address

    Returns Address


  • getSenderPublicKey(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the public key of the sender

    Returns Uint8Array


  • getUpfrontCost(): bigint
  • The up front amount that an account must have for this transaction to be valid

    Returns bigint


  • hash(): Uint8Array
  • Computes a sha3-256 hash of the serialized tx.

    This method can only be used for signed txs (it throws otherwise). Use Transaction.getMessageToSign to get a tx hash for the purpose of signing.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • isSigned(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • raw(): TxValuesArray
  • Returns a Uint8Array Array of the raw Uint8Arrays of the legacy transaction, in order.

    Format: [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s]

    For legacy txs this is also the correct format to add transactions to a block with Block.fromValuesArray (use the serialize() method for typed txs).

    For an unsigned tx this method returns the empty Uint8Array values for the signature parameters v, r and s. For an EIP-155 compliant representation have a look at Transaction.getMessageToSign.

    Returns TxValuesArray


  • serialize(): Uint8Array
  • Returns the serialized encoding of the legacy transaction.

    Format: rlp([nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s])

    For an unsigned tx this method uses the empty Uint8Array values for the signature parameters v, r and s for encoding. For an EIP-155 compliant representation for external signing use Transaction.getMessageToSign.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • sign(privateKey: Uint8Array): Transaction
  • Signs a transaction.

    Note that the signed tx is returned as a new object, use as follows:

    const signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey)


    • privateKey: Uint8Array

    Returns Transaction


  • supports(capability: Capability): boolean
  • Checks if a tx type defining capability is active on a tx, for example the EIP-1559 fee market mechanism or the EIP-2930 access list feature.

    Note that this is different from the tx type itself, so EIP-2930 access lists can very well be active on an EIP-1559 tx for example.

    This method can be useful for feature checks if the tx type is unknown (e.g. when instantiated with the tx factory).

    See Capabilites in the types module for a reference on all supported capabilities.


    • capability: Capability

    Returns boolean


  • toCreationAddress(): boolean
  • If the tx's to is to the creation address

    Returns boolean


  • toJSON(): JsonTx
  • Returns an object with the JSON representation of the transaction.

    Returns JsonTx


  • validate(): boolean
  • validate(stringError: false): boolean
  • validate(stringError: true): string[]
  • Checks if the transaction has the minimum amount of gas required (DataFee + TxFee + Creation Fee).

    Returns boolean


  • verifySignature(): boolean
  • Determines if the signature is valid

    Returns boolean


  • fromSerializedTx(serialized: Uint8Array, opts?: TxOptions): Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from the serialized tx.

    Format: rlp([nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s])


    • serialized: Uint8Array
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns Transaction


  • fromTxData(txData: TxData, opts?: TxOptions): Transaction
  • Instantiate a transaction from a data dictionary.

    Format: { nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s }


    • All parameters are optional and have some basic default values


    • txData: TxData
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns Transaction


  • fromValuesArray(values: TxValuesArray, opts?: TxOptions): Transaction
  • Create a transaction from a values array.

    Format: [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s]


    • values: TxValuesArray
    • optionalopts: TxOptions

    Returns Transaction




  • fromBlockBodyData(data: Uint8Array | Uint8Array[], txOptions?: TxOptions): TypedTransaction
  • When decoding a BlockBody, in the transactions field, a field is either: A Uint8Array (a TypedTransaction - encoded as TransactionType || rlp(TransactionPayload)) A Uint8Array[] (Legacy Transaction) This method returns the right transaction.


    • data: Uint8Array | Uint8Array[]

      A Uint8Array or Uint8Array[]

    • optionaltxOptions: TxOptions

      The transaction options

    Returns TypedTransaction


  • fromSerializedData(data: Uint8Array, txOptions?: TxOptions): TypedTransaction
  • This method tries to decode serialized data.


    • data: Uint8Array

      The data Uint8Array

    • optionaltxOptions: TxOptions

      The transaction options

    Returns TypedTransaction


  • fromTxData(txData: TxData | TypedTransaction, txOptions?: TxOptions): TypedTransaction
  • Create a transaction from a txData object


    • txData: TxData | TypedTransaction

      The transaction data. The type field will determine which transaction type is returned (if undefined, creates a legacy transaction)

    • optionaltxOptions: TxOptions

      Options to pass on to the constructor of the transaction

    Returns TypedTransaction


  • registerTransactionType<NewTxTypeClass>(type: Numbers, txClass: NewTxTypeClass): void
  • Type parameters

    • NewTxTypeClass: { prototype: BaseTransaction<any>; fromSerializedTx: any; fromTxData: any }


    • type: Numbers
    • txClass: NewTxTypeClass

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    Returns number



Wallet is an in memory wallet that can hold multiple accounts. These accounts can be used when using web3.eth.sendTransaction() or web3.eth.contract.methods.contractfunction().send();

For using Wallet functionality, install Web3 package using npm i web3 or yarn add web3. After that, Wallet functionality will be available as mentioned below.

import { Web3 } from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3('');

const wallet = await web3.eth.accounts.wallet.create(2);

const signature ="Test Data"); // use wallet

// fund account before sending following transaction ...

const receipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ // internally sign transaction using wallet
to: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
value: 1



  • add(account: string | T): this
  • Adds an account using a private key or account object to the wallet.


    • account: string | T

      A private key or account object

    Returns this

    The wallet

    > Wallet(1) [
    address: '0x85D70633b90e03e0276B98880286D0D055685ed7',
    privateKey: '0xbce9b59981303e76c4878b1a6d7b088ec6b9dd5c966b7d5f54d7a749ff683387',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
    _accountProvider: {
    create: [Function: create],
    privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccount],
    decrypt: [Function: decrypt]
    _addressMap: Map(1) { '0x85d70633b90e03e0276b98880286d0d055685ed7' => 0 },
    _defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'


  • clear(): this
  • Securely empties the wallet and removes all its accounts. Use this with *caution as it will remove all accounts stored in local wallet.

    Returns this

    The wallet object

    > Wallet(0) [
    _accountProvider: {
    create: [Function: create],
    privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccount],
    decrypt: [Function: decrypt]
    _addressMap: Map(0) {},
    _defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'


  • create(numberOfAccounts: number): this
  • Generates one or more accounts in the wallet. If wallets already exist they will not be overridden.


    • numberOfAccounts: number

      Number of accounts to create. Leave empty to create an empty wallet.

    Returns this

    The wallet

    > Wallet(2) [
    address: '0xde38310a42B751AE57d30cFFF4a0A3c52A442fCE',
    privateKey: '0x6422c9d28efdcbee93c1d32a5fc6fd6fa081b985487885296cf8c9bbb5872600',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
    address: '0x766BF755246d924B1d017Fdb5390f38a60166691',
    privateKey: '0x756530f13c0eb636ebdda655335f5dea9921e3362e2e588b0ad59e556f7751f0',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
    _accountProvider: {
    create: [Function: create],
    privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccount],
    decrypt: [Function: decrypt]
    _addressMap: Map(2) {
    '0xde38310a42b751ae57d30cfff4a0a3c52a442fce' => 0,
    '0x766bf755246d924b1d017fdb5390f38a60166691' => 1
    _defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'


  • decrypt(encryptedWallets: KeyStore[], password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<Wallet<T>>
  • Decrypts keystore v3 objects.


    • encryptedWallets: KeyStore[]

      An array of encrypted keystore v3 objects to decrypt

    • password: string

      The password to encrypt with

    • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

      decrypt options for the wallets

    Returns Promise<Wallet<T>>

    The decrypted wallet object

    { version: 3,
    id: '83191a81-aaca-451f-b63d-0c5f3b849289',
    address: '06f702337909c06c82b09b7a22f0a2f0855d1f68',
    { ciphertext: '7d34deae112841fba86e3e6cf08f5398dda323a8e4d29332621534e2c4069e8d',
    cipherparams: { iv: '497f4d26997a84d570778eae874b2333' },
    cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
    kdf: 'scrypt',
    { dklen: 32,
    salt: '208dd732a27aa4803bb760228dff18515d5313fd085bbce60594a3919ae2d88d',
    n: 262144,
    r: 8,
    p: 1 },
    mac: '0062a853de302513c57bfe3108ab493733034bf3cb313326f42cf26ea2619cf9' } },
    { version: 3,
    id: '7d6b91fa-3611-407b-b16b-396efb28f97e',
    address: 'b5d89661b59a9af0b34f58d19138baa2de48baaf',
    { ciphertext: 'cb9712d1982ff89f571fa5dbef447f14b7e5f142232bd2a913aac833730eeb43',
    cipherparams: { iv: '8cccb91cb84e435437f7282ec2ffd2db' },
    cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
    kdf: 'scrypt',
    { dklen: 32,
    salt: '08ba6736363c5586434cd5b895e6fe41ea7db4785bd9b901dedce77a1514e8b8',
    n: 262144,
    r: 8,
    p: 1 },
    mac: 'd2eb068b37e2df55f56fa97a2bf4f55e072bef0dd703bfd917717d9dc54510f0' } }
    ], 'test').then(console.log)
    > Wallet {
    _accountProvider: {
    create: [Function: create],
    privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccount],
    decrypt: [Function: decrypt]
    _defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet',
    _accounts: {
    '0x85d70633b90e03e0276b98880286d0d055685ed7': {
    address: '0x85D70633b90e03e0276B98880286D0D055685ed7',
    privateKey: '0xbce9b59981303e76c4878b1a6d7b088ec6b9dd5c966b7d5f54d7a749ff683387',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
    '0x06f702337909c06c82b09b7a22f0a2f0855d1f68': {
    address: '0x06F702337909C06C82B09B7A22F0a2f0855d1F68',
    privateKey: '87a51da18900da7398b3bab03996833138f269f8f66dd1237b98df6b9ce14573',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
    '0xb5d89661b59a9af0b34f58d19138baa2de48baaf': {
    address: '0xB5d89661B59a9aF0b34f58D19138bAa2de48BAaf',
    privateKey: '7ee61c5282979aae9dd795bb6a54e8bdc2bfe009acb64eb9a67322eec3b3da6e',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt]


  • encrypt(password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<KeyStore[]>
  • Encrypts all wallet accounts to an array of encrypted keystore v3 objects.


    • password: string

      The password which will be used for encryption

    • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

      encryption options

    Returns Promise<KeyStore[]>

    An array of the encrypted keystore v3.

    > [


  • get(addressOrIndex: string | number): undefined | T
  • Get the account of the wallet with either the index or public address.


    • addressOrIndex: string | number

      A string of the address or number index within the wallet.

    Returns undefined | T

    The account object or undefined if the account doesn't exist


  • load(password: string, keyName?: string): Promise<Wallet<T>>
  • Loads a wallet from local storage and decrypts it. NOTE: Browser only


    • password: string

      The password to decrypt the wallet.

    • optionalkeyName: string

      (optional)The key used for local storage position, defaults to web3js_wallet"

    Returns Promise<Wallet<T>>

    Returns the wallet object'test#!$');
    > true
    { defaultKeyName: "web3js_wallet",
    length: 0,
    _accounts: Accounts {_requestManager: RequestManager, givenProvider: Proxy, providers: {}, _provider: WebsocketProvider,},
    [[Prototype]]: Object


  • remove(addressOrIndex: string | number): boolean
  • Removes an account from the wallet.


    • addressOrIndex: string | number

      The account address, or index in the wallet.

    Returns boolean

    true if the wallet was removed. false if it couldn't be found.


    > true
    > Wallet(0) [
    _accountProvider: {
    create: [Function: create],
    privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccount],
    decrypt: [Function: decrypt]
    _addressMap: Map(0) {},
    _defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'


  • save(password: string, keyName?: string): Promise<boolean>
  • Stores the wallet encrypted and as string in local storage. NOTE: Browser only


    • password: string

      The password to encrypt the wallet

    • optionalkeyName: string

      (optional) The key used for the local storage position, defaults to "web3js_wallet".

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Will return boolean value true if saved properly'test#!$');


  • getStorage(): undefined | WebStorage
  • Get the storage object of the browser

    Returns undefined | WebStorage

    the storage



AccessListEIP2930Transaction data.


accessList?: null | AccessListUint8Array | AccessList

The access list which contains the addresses/storage slots which the transaction wishes to access


chainId?: Numbers

The transaction's chain ID


data?: Uint8ArrayLike

This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract.


gasLimit?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The transaction's gas limit.


gasPrice?: null | Uint8Array | Numbers

The transaction's gas price.


nonce?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The transaction's nonce.


r?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC signature parameter.


s?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC signature parameter.


to?: string | Uint8Array | Address

The transaction's the address is sent to.


type?: Numbers

The transaction type


v?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC recovery ID.


value?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The amount of Ether sent.




chainId?: number


comment: string


id: string


ip: string


location: string


network?: string


port: string | number




bootstrapNodes?: BootstrapNodeConfig[]


chainId: number | bigint


comment?: string


consensus: { algorithm: string; casper?: CasperConfig; clique?: CliqueConfig; ethash?: EthashConfig; type: string }

Type declaration

  • algorithm: string
  • optionalcasper?: CasperConfig
  • optionalclique?: CliqueConfig
  • optionalethash?: EthashConfig
  • type: string


defaultHardfork?: string


dnsNetworks?: string[]


genesis: GenesisBlockConfig


hardforks: HardforkConfig[]


name: string


networkId: number | bigint


url?: string







Options for instantiating a Common instance.


chain: string | number | bigint | object

Chain name ('mainnet'), id (1), or Chain enum, either from a chain directly supported or a custom chain passed in via CommonOpts.customChains.


customChains?: ChainConfig[]

Initialize (in addition to the supported chains) with the selected custom chains. Custom genesis state should be passed to the Blockchain class if used.

Usage (directly with the respective chain initialization via the CommonOpts.chain option):

import myCustomChain1 from '[PATH_TO_MY_CHAINS]/myCustomChain1.json'
const common = new Common({ chain: 'myCustomChain1', customChains: [ myCustomChain1 ]})


eips?: number[]

Selected EIPs which can be activated, please use an array for instantiation (e.g. eips: [ 2537, ])

Currently supported:


hardfork?: string

String identifier ('byzantium') for hardfork or Hardfork enum.

Default: Hardfork.London



Options to be used with the Common.custom static constructor.


baseChain?: string | number | bigint

The name (mainnet), id (1), or Chain enum of a standard chain used to base the custom chain params on.


eips?: number[]

Selected EIPs which can be activated, please use an array for instantiation (e.g. eips: [ 2537, ])

Currently supported:


hardfork?: string

String identifier ('byzantium') for hardfork or Hardfork enum.

Default: Hardfork.London




r: Uint8Array


s: Uint8Array


v: bigint



FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction data.


accessList?: null | AccessListUint8Array | AccessList

The access list which contains the addresses/storage slots which the transaction wishes to access


chainId?: Numbers

The transaction's chain ID


data?: Uint8ArrayLike

This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract.


gasLimit?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The transaction's gas limit.


gasPrice?: null

The transaction's gas price, inherited from Transaction. This property is not used for EIP1559 transactions and should always be undefined for this specific transaction type.


maxFeePerGas?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The maximum total fee


maxPriorityFeePerGas?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The maximum inclusion fee per gas (this fee is given to the miner)


nonce?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The transaction's nonce.


r?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC signature parameter.


s?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC signature parameter.


to?: string | Uint8Array | Address

The transaction's the address is sent to.


type?: Numbers

The transaction type


v?: Uint8Array | Numbers

EC recovery ID.


value?: Uint8Array | Numbers

The amount of Ether sent.




baseFeePerGas?: string


difficulty: number


extraData: string


gasLimit: number


nonce: string


timestamp?: string




chain?: string


eips?: number[]

Selected EIPs which can be activated, please use an array for instantiation (e.g. eips: [ 2537, ])

Currently supported:


genesisHash?: Uint8Array


hardfork?: string

String identifier ('byzantium') for hardfork or Hardfork enum.

Default: Hardfork.London


mergeForkIdPostMerge?: boolean




block: null | number


forkHash?: null | string


name: string


timestamp?: string | number


ttd?: string | bigint



Generic interface for all tx types with a JSON representation of a transaction.

Note that all values are marked as optional and not all the values are present on all tx types (an EIP1559 tx e.g. lacks a gasPrice).


accessList?: JsonAccessListItem[]


chainId?: string


data?: string


gasLimit?: string


gasPrice?: string


maxFeePerDataGas?: string


maxFeePerGas?: string


maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string


nonce?: string


r?: string


s?: string


to?: string


type?: string


v?: string


value?: string


versionedHashes?: string[]




  • toArray(): Uint8Array
  • Returns Uint8Array



The options for initializing a Transaction.


allowUnlimitedInitCodeSize?: boolean

Allows unlimited contract code-size init while debugging. This (partially) disables EIP-3860. Gas cost for initcode size analysis will still be charged. Use with caution.


common?: Common

A Common object defining the chain and hardfork for the transaction.

Object will be internally copied so that tx behavior don't incidentally change on future HF changes.

Default: Common object set to mainnet and the default hardfork as defined in the Common class.

Current default hardfork: istanbul


freeze?: boolean

A transaction object by default gets frozen along initialization. This gives you strong additional security guarantees on the consistency of the tx parameters. It also enables tx hash caching when the hash() method is called multiple times.

If you need to deactivate the tx freeze - e.g. because you want to subclass tx and add additional properties - it is strongly encouraged that you do the freeze yourself within your code instead.

Default: true




address: string


encrypt: (password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<KeyStore>

Type declaration

    • (password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<KeyStore>
    • Parameters

      • password: string
      • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

      Returns Promise<KeyStore>


privateKey: string


sign: (data: string | Record<string, unknown>) => { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }

Type declaration

    • (data: string | Record<string, unknown>): { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }
    • Parameters

      • data: string | Record<string, unknown>

      Returns { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }

      • optionalreadonlymessage?: string
      • readonlymessageHash: string
      • readonlyr: string
      • readonlys: string
      • readonlysignature: string
      • readonlyv: string


signTransaction: (tx: Transaction) => Promise<{ messageHash: string; r: string; rawTransaction: string; s: string; transactionHash: string; v: string }>

Type declaration

    • (tx: Transaction): Promise<{ messageHash: string; r: string; rawTransaction: string; s: string; transactionHash: string; v: string }>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<{ messageHash: string; r: string; rawTransaction: string; s: string; transactionHash: string; v: string }>



This Web Storage API interface provides access to a particular domain's session or local storage. It allows, for example, the addition, modification, or deletion of stored data items.


length: number

Returns the number of key/value pairs.


  • clear(): void
  • Removes all key/value pairs, if there are any.

    Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.

    Returns void


  • getItem(key: string): null | string
  • Returns the current value associated with the given key, or null if the given key does not exist.


    • key: string

    Returns null | string


  • key(index: number): null | string
  • Returns the name of the nth key, or null if n is greater than or equal to the number of key/value pairs.


    • index: number

    Returns null | string


  • removeItem(key: string): void
  • Removes the key/value pair with the given key, if a key/value pair with the given key exists.

    Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.


    • key: string

    Returns void


  • setItem(key: string, value: string): void
  • Sets the value of the pair identified by key to value, creating a new key/value pair if none existed for key previously.

    Throws a "QuotaExceededError" DOMException exception if the new value couldn't be set. (Setting could fail if, e.g., the user has disabled storage for the site, or if the quota has been exceeded.)

    Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.


    • key: string
    • value: string

    Returns void


AccessList: AccessListItem[]


AccessListEIP2930ValuesArray: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, AccessListUint8Array, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?]

Uint8Array values array for an AccessListEIP2930Transaction


AccessListItem: { address: PrefixedHexString; storageKeys: PrefixedHexString[] }

Type declaration

  • address: PrefixedHexString
  • storageKeys: PrefixedHexString[]


AccessListUint8Array: AccessListUint8ArrayItem[]


AccessListUint8ArrayItem: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array[]]


BigIntLike: bigint | PrefixedHexString | number | Uint8Array


CasperConfig: Record<string, unknown>


CliqueConfig: { epoch: number; period: number }

Type declaration

  • epoch: number
  • period: number


EthashConfig: Record<string, unknown>


FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8Array, AccessListUint8Array, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?, Uint8Array?]

Uint8Array values array for a FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


NestedUint8Array: (Uint8Array | NestedUint8Array)[]


PrefixedHexString: string


SignFunction: (data: string, privateKey: string) => SignResult

Type declaration

    • (data: string, privateKey: string): SignResult
    • Parameters

      • data: string
      • privateKey: string

      Returns SignResult


SignResult: SignatureObject & { message?: string; signature: string }


SignTransactionFunction: (transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>) => SignTransactionResult

Type declaration

    • (transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>): SignTransactionResult
    • Parameters

      • transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>

      Returns SignTransactionResult


SignTransactionResult: SignatureObject & { rawTransaction: string; transactionHash: string }


SignatureObject: { messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; v: string }

Type declaration

  • messageHash: string
  • r: string
  • s: string
  • v: string


ToBytesInputTypes: PrefixedHexString | number | bigint | Uint8Array | number[] | TransformableToArray | null | undefined


TxData: { data?: Uint8ArrayLike; gasLimit?: Numbers | Uint8Array; gasPrice?: Numbers | Uint8Array | null; nonce?: Numbers | Uint8Array; r?: Numbers | Uint8Array; s?: Numbers | Uint8Array; to?: Address | Uint8Array | HexString; type?: Numbers; v?: Numbers | Uint8Array; value?: Numbers | Uint8Array }

Legacy Transaction Data

Type declaration

  • optionaldata?: Uint8ArrayLike

    This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract.

  • optionalgasLimit?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The transaction's gas limit.

  • optionalgasPrice?: Numbers | Uint8Array | null

    The transaction's gas price.

  • optionalnonce?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The transaction's nonce.

  • optionalr?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC signature parameter.

  • optionals?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC signature parameter.

  • optionalto?: Address | Uint8Array | HexString

    The transaction's the address is sent to.

  • optionaltype?: Numbers

    The transaction type

  • optionalv?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    EC recovery ID.

  • optionalvalue?: Numbers | Uint8Array

    The amount of Ether sent.


TxValuesArray: Uint8Array[]

Uint8Array values array for a legacy Transaction


TypeOutputReturnType: { 0: number; 1: bigint; 2: Uint8Array; 3: PrefixedHexString }

Type declaration

  • 0: number
  • 1: bigint
  • 2: Uint8Array
  • 3: PrefixedHexString


TypedTransaction: Transaction | AccessListEIP2930Transaction | FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction


Uint8ArrayLike: Uint8Array | number[] | number | bigint | PrefixedHexString


keyStoreSchema: { properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }
    • address: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }
      • properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }
        • cipher: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • cipherparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • ciphertext: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdf: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdfparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • mac: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • salt: { type: string }
          • type: string
      • required: string[]
      • type: string
    • id: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • version: { type: string }
      • type: string
  • required: string[]
  • type: string


  • assertIsUint8Array(input: unknown): asserts input is Uint8Array
  • Throws if input is not a Uint8Array


    • input: unknown

      value to check

    Returns asserts input is Uint8Array


  • bigIntToHex(num: bigint): string
  • Converts a bigint to a 0x prefixed hex string


    • num: bigint

    Returns string


  • bigIntToUint8Array(num: bigint): Uint8Array
  • Converts a bigint to a Uint8Array


    • num: bigint

    Returns Uint8Array


  • bigIntToUnpaddedUint8Array(value: bigint): Uint8Array
  • Convert value from bigint to an unpadded Uint8Array (useful for RLP transport)


    • value: bigint

      value to convert

    Returns Uint8Array


  • create(): Web3Account
  • Generates and returns a Web3Account object that includes the private and public key For creation of private key, it uses an audited package ethereum-cryptography/secp256k1 that is cryptographically secure random number with certain characteristics. Read more:

    Returns Web3Account

    A Web3Account object

    address: '0xbD504f977021b5E5DdccD8741A368b147B3B38bB',
    privateKey: '0x964ced1c69ad27a311c432fdc0d8211e987595f7eb34ab405a5f16bdc9563ec5',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [AsyncFunction: encrypt]


  • decrypt(keystore: string | KeyStore, password: string | Uint8Array, nonStrict?: boolean): Promise<Web3Account>
  • Decrypts a v3 keystore JSON, and creates the account.


    • keystore: string | KeyStore

      the encrypted Keystore object or string to decrypt

    • password: string | Uint8Array

      The password that was used for encryption

    • optionalnonStrict: boolean

      if true and given a json string, the keystore will be parsed as lowercase.

    Returns Promise<Web3Account>

    Returns the decrypted Web3Account object Decrypting scrypt

    version: 3,
    id: 'c0cb0a94-4702-4492-b6e6-eb2ac404344a',
    address: 'cda9a91875fc35c8ac1320e098e584495d66e47c',
    crypto: {
    ciphertext: 'cb3e13e3281ff3861a3f0257fad4c9a51b0eb046f9c7821825c46b210f040b8f',
    cipherparams: { iv: 'bfb43120ae00e9de110f8325143a2709' },
    cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
    kdf: 'scrypt',
    kdfparams: {
    n: 8192,
    r: 8,
    p: 1,
    dklen: 32,
    salt: '210d0ec956787d865358ac45716e6dd42e68d48e346d795746509523aeb477dd'
    mac: 'efbf6d3409f37c0084a79d5fdf9a6f5d97d11447517ef1ea8374f51e581b7efd'
    }, '123').then(console.log);

    > {
    address: '0xcdA9A91875fc35c8Ac1320E098e584495d66e47c',
    privateKey: '67f476289210e3bef3c1c75e4de993ff0a00663df00def84e73aa7411eac18a6',
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
    sign: [Function: sign],
    encrypt: [AsyncFunction: encrypt]


  • ecrecover(msgHash: Uint8Array, v: bigint, r: Uint8Array, s: Uint8Array, chainId?: bigint): Uint8Array
  • ECDSA public key recovery from signature. NOTE: Accepts v === 0 | v === 1 for EIP1559 transactions


    • msgHash: Uint8Array
    • v: bigint
    • r: Uint8Array
    • s: Uint8Array
    • optionalchainId: bigint

    Returns Uint8Array

    Recovered public key


  • encrypt a private key with a password, returns a V3 JSON Keystore

    Read more:


    • privateKey: Bytes

      The private key to encrypt, 32 bytes.

    • password: string | Uint8Array

      The password used for encryption.

    • optionaloptions: CipherOptions

      Options to configure to encrypt the keystore either scrypt or pbkdf2

    Returns Promise<KeyStore>

    Returns a V3 JSON Keystore

    Encrypt using scrypt options:

    n: 8192,
    iv: web3.utils.hexToBytes('0xbfb43120ae00e9de110f8325143a2709'),
    salt: web3.utils.hexToBytes('0x210d0ec956787d865358ac45716e6dd42e68d48e346d795746509523aeb477dd'),

    > {
    version: 3,
    id: 'c0cb0a94-4702-4492-b6e6-eb2ac404344a',
    address: 'cda9a91875fc35c8ac1320e098e584495d66e47c',
    crypto: {
    ciphertext: 'cb3e13e3281ff3861a3f0257fad4c9a51b0eb046f9c7821825c46b210f040b8f',
    cipherparams: { iv: 'bfb43120ae00e9de110f8325143a2709' },
    cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
    kdf: 'scrypt',
    kdfparams: {
    n: 8192,
    r: 8,
    p: 1,
    dklen: 32,
    salt: '210d0ec956787d865358ac45716e6dd42e68d48e346d795746509523aeb477dd'
    mac: 'efbf6d3409f37c0084a79d5fdf9a6f5d97d11447517ef1ea8374f51e581b7efd'

    Encrypting using pbkdf2 options:

    iv: 'bfb43120ae00e9de110f8325143a2709',
    salt: '210d0ec956787d865358ac45716e6dd42e68d48e346d795746509523aeb477dd',
    c: 262144,
    kdf: 'pbkdf2',

    version: 3,
    id: '77381417-0973-4e4b-b590-8eb3ace0fe2d',
    address: 'b8ce9ab6943e0eced004cde8e3bbed6568b2fa01',
    crypto: {
    ciphertext: '76512156a34105fa6473ad040c666ae7b917d14c06543accc0d2dc28e6073b12',
    cipherparams: { iv: 'bfb43120ae00e9de110f8325143a2709' },
    cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
    kdf: 'pbkdf2',
    kdfparams: {
    dklen: 32,
    salt: '210d0ec956787d865358ac45716e6dd42e68d48e346d795746509523aeb477dd',
    c: 262144,
    prf: 'hmac-sha256'
    mac: '46eb4884e82dc43b5aa415faba53cc653b7038e9d61cc32fd643cf8c396189b7'


  • hashMessage(message: string): string
  • Hashes the given message. The data will be UTF-8 HEX decoded and enveloped as follows: "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message and hashed using keccak256.


    • message: string

      A message to hash, if its HEX it will be UTF8 decoded.

    Returns string

    The hashed message

    web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage("Hello world")

    > "0x8144a6fa26be252b86456491fbcd43c1de7e022241845ffea1c3df066f7cfede"

    web3.eth.accounts.hashMessage(web3.utils.utf8ToHex("Hello world")) // Will be hex decoded in hashMessage

    > "0x8144a6fa26be252b86456491fbcd43c1de7e022241845ffea1c3df066f7cfede"


  • intToUint8Array(i: number): Uint8Array
  • Converts an Number to a Uint8Array


    • i: number

    Returns Uint8Array


  • isAccessList(input: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList): input is AccessList
  • Parameters

    • input: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList

    Returns input is AccessList


  • isAccessListUint8Array(input: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList): input is AccessListUint8Array
  • Parameters

    • input: AccessListUint8Array | AccessList

    Returns input is AccessListUint8Array


  • padToEven(value: string): string
  • Pads a String to have an even length


    • value: string

    Returns string



  • parseAndValidatePrivateKey(data: Bytes, ignoreLength?: boolean): Uint8Array
  • Get the private key Uint8Array after the validation. Note: This function is not exported through main web3 package, so for using it directly import from accounts package.


    • data: Bytes

      Private key

    • optionalignoreLength: boolean

      Optional, ignore length check during validation

    Returns Uint8Array

    The Uint8Array private key


    > Uint8Array(32) [
    186, 26, 143, 168, 235, 179, 90, 75,
    101, 63, 84, 221, 152, 150, 30, 203,
    8, 113, 94, 226, 53, 213, 216, 5,
    194, 159, 17, 53, 219, 97, 121, 248


  • parseGethGenesis(json: any, name?: string, mergeForkIdPostMerge?: boolean): { bootstrapNodes: never[]; chainId: number; consensus: { algorithm: string; clique: { epoch: any; period: any }; ethash?: undefined; type: string } | { algorithm: string; clique?: undefined; ethash: {}; type: string }; genesis: { baseFeePerGas: string; coinbase: string; difficulty: number; extraData: string; gasLimit: number; mixHash: string; nonce: string; timestamp: string }; hardfork: string | undefined; hardforks: ConfigHardfork[]; name: string; networkId: number }
  • Parses a genesis.json exported from Geth into parameters for Common instance


    • json: any

      representing the Geth genesis file

    • optionalname: string

      optional chain name

    • optionalmergeForkIdPostMerge: boolean

    Returns { bootstrapNodes: never[]; chainId: number; consensus: { algorithm: string; clique: { epoch: any; period: any }; ethash?: undefined; type: string } | { algorithm: string; clique?: undefined; ethash: {}; type: string }; genesis: { baseFeePerGas: string; coinbase: string; difficulty: number; extraData: string; gasLimit: number; mixHash: string; nonce: string; timestamp: string }; hardfork: string | undefined; hardforks: ConfigHardfork[]; name: string; networkId: number }

    parsed params

    • bootstrapNodes: never[]
    • chainId: number
    • consensus: { algorithm: string; clique: { epoch: any; period: any }; ethash?: undefined; type: string } | { algorithm: string; clique?: undefined; ethash: {}; type: string }
    • genesis: { baseFeePerGas: string; coinbase: string; difficulty: number; extraData: string; gasLimit: number; mixHash: string; nonce: string; timestamp: string }
      • baseFeePerGas: string
      • coinbase: string
      • difficulty: number
      • extraData: string
      • gasLimit: number
      • mixHash: string
      • nonce: string
      • timestamp: string
    • hardfork: string | undefined
    • hardforks: ConfigHardfork[]
    • name: string
    • networkId: number


  • privateKeyToAccount(privateKey: Bytes, ignoreLength?: boolean): Web3Account
  • Get an Account object from the privateKey


    • privateKey: Bytes

      String or Uint8Array of 32 bytes

    • optionalignoreLength: boolean

      if true, will not error check length

    Returns Web3Account

    A Web3Account object

    The Web3Account.signTransaction is not stateful if directly imported from accounts package and used. Network access is required to get the account nonce and chainId to sign the transaction, so use Web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction for signing transactions.



    > {
    address: '0xb8CE9ab6943e0eCED004cDe8e3bBed6568B2Fa01',
    privateKey: '0x348ce564d427a3311b6536bbcff9390d69395b06ed6c486954e971d960fe8709',


  • privateKeyToAddress(privateKey: Bytes): string
  • Get the ethereum Address from a private key


    > "0xEB014f8c8B418Db6b45774c326A0E64C78914dC0"


    • privateKey: Bytes

      String or Uint8Array of 32 bytes

    Returns string

    The Ethereum address


  • privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey: Bytes, isCompressed: boolean): string
  • Get the public key from a private key

    web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToPublicKey("0x1e046a882bb38236b646c9f135cf90ad90a140810f439875f2a6dd8e50fa261f", true)

    > "0x42beb65f179720abaa3ec9a70a539629cbbc5ec65bb57e7fc78977796837e537662dd17042e6449dc843c281067a4d6d8d1a1775a13c41901670d5de7ee6503a" // uncompressed public key


    • privateKey: Bytes

      String or Uint8Array of 32 bytes

    • isCompressed: boolean

      if true, will generate a 33 byte compressed public key instead of a 65 byte public key

    Returns string

    The public key


  • recover(data: string | SignatureObject, signatureOrV?: string, prefixedOrR?: string | boolean, s?: string, prefixed?: boolean): string
  • Recovers the Ethereum address which was used to sign the given data


    • data: string | SignatureObject

      Either a signed message, hash, or the signatureObject

    • optionalsignatureOrV: string

      signature or V

    • optionalprefixedOrR: string | boolean

      prefixed or R

    • optionals: string

      S value in signature

    • optionalprefixed: boolean

      (default: false) If the last parameter is true, the given message will NOT automatically be prefixed with "\\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\\n" + message.length + message, and assumed to be already prefixed.

    Returns string

    The Ethereum address used to sign this data

    const data = 'Some data';
    const sigObj = web3.eth.accounts.sign(data, '0xbe6383dad004f233317e46ddb46ad31b16064d14447a95cc1d8c8d4bc61c3728')

    > {
    message: 'Some data',
    messageHash: '0x1da44b586eb0729ff70a73c326926f6ed5a25f5b056e7f47fbc6e58d86871655',
    v: '0x1b',
    r: '0xa8037a6116c176a25e6fc224947fde9e79a2deaa0dd8b67b366fbdfdbffc01f9',
    s: '0x53e41351267b20d4a89ebfe9c8f03c04de9b345add4a52f15bd026b63c8fb150',
    signature: '0xa8037a6116c176a25e6fc224947fde9e79a2deaa0dd8b67b366fbdfdbffc01f953e41351267b20d4a89ebfe9c8f03c04de9b345add4a52f15bd026b63c8fb1501b'

    // now recover
    web3.eth.accounts.recover(data, sigObj.v, sigObj.r, sigObj.s)

    > 0xEB014f8c8B418Db6b45774c326A0E64C78914dC0


  • recoverTransaction(rawTransaction: string): string
  • Recovers the Ethereum address which was used to sign the given RLP encoded transaction.


    • rawTransaction: string

      The hex string having RLP encoded transaction

    Returns string

    The Ethereum address used to sign this transaction

    > "0x2c7536E3605D9C16a7a3D7b1898e529396a65c23"


  • setLengthLeft(msg: Uint8Array, length: number): Uint8Array
  • Left Pads a Uint8Array with leading zeros till it has length bytes. Or it truncates the beginning if it exceeds.


    • msg: Uint8Array

      the value to pad (Uint8Array)

    • length: number

      the number of bytes the output should be

    Returns Uint8Array



  • sign(data: string, privateKey: Bytes): SignResult
  • Signs arbitrary data with a given private key. :::info The value passed as the data parameter will be UTF-8 HEX decoded and wrapped as follows: "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message :::


    • data: string

      The data to sign

    • privateKey: Bytes

      The 32 byte private key to sign with

    Returns SignResult

    The signature Object containing the message, messageHash, signature r, s, v

    web3.eth.accounts.sign('Some data', '0x4c0883a69102937d6231471b5dbb6204fe5129617082792ae468d01a3f362318')
    > {
    message: 'Some data',
    messageHash: '0x1da44b586eb0729ff70a73c326926f6ed5a25f5b056e7f47fbc6e58d86871655',
    v: '0x1c',
    r: '0xb91467e570a6466aa9e9876cbcd013baba02900b8979d43fe208a4a4f339f5fd',
    s: '0x6007e74cd82e037b800186422fc2da167c747ef045e5d18a5f5d4300f8e1a029',
    signature: '0xb91467e570a6466aa9e9876cbcd013baba02900b8979d43fe208a4a4f339f5fd6007e74cd82e037b800186422fc2da167c747ef045e5d18a5f5d4300f8e1a0291c'


  • signMessageWithPrivateKey(hash: string, privateKey: Bytes): SignResult
  • Takes a hash of a message and a private key, signs the message using the SECP256k1 elliptic curve algorithm, and returns the signature components.


    • hash: string

      The hash of the message to be signed, represented as a hexadecimal string.

    • privateKey: Bytes

      The private key used to sign the message, represented as a byte array.

    Returns SignResult

    • The signature Object containing the message, messageHash, signature r, s, v


  • signTransaction(transaction: TypedTransaction, privateKey: string): Promise<SignTransactionResult>
  • Signs an Ethereum transaction with a given private key.


    • transaction: TypedTransaction

      The transaction, must be a legacy, EIP2930 or EIP 1559 transaction type

    • privateKey: string

      The private key to import. This is 32 bytes of random data.

    Returns Promise<SignTransactionResult>

    A signTransactionResult object that contains message hash, r, s, v, transaction hash and raw transaction.

    This function is not stateful here. We need network access to get the account nonce and chainId to sign the transaction. This function will rely on user to provide the full transaction to be signed. If you want to sign a partial transaction object Use Web3.eth.accounts.sign instead.

    Signing a legacy transaction

    import {signTransaction, Transaction} from 'web3-eth-accounts';

    signTransaction(new Transaction({
    to: '0x118C2E5F57FD62C2B5b46a5ae9216F4FF4011a07',
    value: '0x186A0',
    gasLimit: '0x520812',
    gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000',
    data: '',
    chainId: 1,
    nonce: 0 }),

    > {
    messageHash: '0x28b7b75f7ba48d588a902c1ff4d5d13cc0ca9ac0aaa39562368146923fb853bf',
    v: '0x25',
    r: '0x601b0017b0e20dd0eeda4b895fbc1a9e8968990953482214f880bae593e71b5',
    s: '0x690d984493560552e3ebdcc19a65b9c301ea9ddc82d3ab8cfde60485fd5722ce',
    rawTransaction: '0xf869808609184e72a0008352081294118c2e5f57fd62c2b5b46a5ae9216f4ff4011a07830186a08025a00601b0017b0e20dd0eeda4b895fbc1a9e8968990953482214f880bae593e71b5a0690d984493560552e3ebdcc19a65b9c301ea9ddc82d3ab8cfde60485fd5722ce',
    transactionHash: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'

    Signing an eip 1559 transaction

    import {signTransaction, Transaction} from 'web3-eth-accounts';

    signTransaction(new Transaction({
    to: '0xF0109fC8DF283027b6285cc889F5aA624EaC1F55',
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x3B9ACA00',
    maxFeePerGas: '0xB2D05E00',
    gasLimit: '0x6A4012',
    value: '0x186A0',
    data: '',
    chainId: 1,
    nonce: 0}),
    > {
    messageHash: '0x5744f24d5f0aff6c70487c8e85adf07d8564e50b08558788f00479611d7bae5f',
    v: '0x25',
    r: '0x78a5a6b2876c3985f90f82073d18d57ac299b608cc76a4ba697b8bb085048347',
    s: '0x9cfcb40cc7d505ed17ff2d3337b51b066648f10c6b7e746117de69b2eb6358d',
    rawTransaction: '0xf8638080836a401294f0109fc8df283027b6285cc889f5aa624eac1f55830186a08025a078a5a6b2876c3985f90f82073d18d57ac299b608cc76a4ba697b8bb085048347a009cfcb40cc7d505ed17ff2d3337b51b066648f10c6b7e746117de69b2eb6358d',
    transactionHash: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'

    Signing an eip 2930 transaction

    import {signTransaction, Transaction} from 'web3-eth-accounts';

    signTransaction(new Transaction ({
    chainId: 1,
    nonce: 0,
    gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000',
    gasLimit: '0x2710321',
    to: '0xF0109fC8DF283027b6285cc889F5aA624EaC1F55',
    value: '0x186A0',
    data: '',
    accessList: [
    address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000101',
    storageKeys: [

    > {
    messageHash: '0xc55ea24bdb4c379550a7c9a6818ac39ca33e75bc78ddb862bd82c31cc1c7a073',
    v: '0x26',
    r: '0x27344e77871c8b2068bc998bf28e0b5f9920867a69c455b2ed0c1c150fec098e',
    s: '0x519f0130a1d662841d4a28082e9c9bb0a15e0e59bb46cfc39a52f0e285dec6b9',
    rawTransaction: '0xf86a808609184e72a000840271032194f0109fc8df283027b6285cc889f5aa624eac1f55830186a08026a027344e77871c8b2068bc998bf28e0b5f9920867a69c455b2ed0c1c150fec098ea0519f0130a1d662841d4a28082e9c9bb0a15e0e59bb46cfc39a52f0e285dec6b9',
    transactionHash: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'


  • stripHexPrefix(str: string): string
  • Removes '0x' from a given String if present


    • str: string

      the string value

    Returns string

    the string without 0x prefix


  • stripZeros<T>(a: T): T
  • Trims leading zeros from a Uint8Array, String or Number[].

    Type parameters

    • T: string | Uint8Array | number[]


    • a: T


    Returns T



  • toType<T>(input: null, outputType: T): null
  • toType<T>(input: undefined, outputType: T): undefined
  • toType<T>(input: ToBytesInputTypes, outputType: T): TypeOutputReturnType[T]
  • Convert an input to a specified type. Input of null/undefined returns null/undefined regardless of the output type.

    Type parameters

    • T: TypeOutput


    • input: null

      value to convert

    • outputType: T

      type to output

    Returns null


  • toUint8Array(v: ToBytesInputTypes): Uint8Array
  • Attempts to turn a value into a Uint8Array. Inputs supported: Uint8Array String (hex-prefixed), Number, null/undefined, BigInt and other objects with a toArray() or toUint8Array() method.


    • v: ToBytesInputTypes

      the value

    Returns Uint8Array


  • uint8ArrayToBigInt(buf: Uint8Array): bigint
  • Converts a Uint8Array to a bigint


    • buf: Uint8Array

    Returns bigint


  • unpadUint8Array(a: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
  • Trims leading zeros from a Uint8Array.


    • a: Uint8Array


    Returns Uint8Array



  • zeros(bytes: number): Uint8Array
  • Returns a Uint8Array filled with 0s.


    • bytes: number

      the number of bytes the Uint8Array should be

    Returns Uint8Array




Re-exports Contract




Renames and re-exports Contract



Type parameters


  • new DeployerMethodClass<FullContractAbi>(parent: Contract<FullContractAbi>, deployOptions: undefined | { arguments?: ContractConstructorArgs<FullContractAbi>; data?: string; input?: string }): DeployerMethodClass<FullContractAbi>
  • Type parameters


    Returns DeployerMethodClass<FullContractAbi>


deployOptions: undefined | { arguments?: ContractConstructorArgs<FullContractAbi>; data?: string; input?: string }


parent: Contract<FullContractAbi>


  • decodeData(data: string): { __length__: number; __method__: string }
  • Parameters

    • data: string

    Returns { __length__: number; __method__: string }

    • __length__: number
    • __method__: string


  • encodeABI(): string
  • Returns string


  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>





LogSubscription to be used to subscribe to events logs.

Following events are supported and can be accessed with either LogsSubscription.once or $LogsSubscription.on methods.

  • connected: Emitted when the subscription is connected.
  • data: Fires on each incoming event with the event object as argument.
  • changed: Fires on each event which was removed from the blockchain. The event will have the additional property removed: true.
  • error: Fires on each error.
const subscription = await{
filter: {myIndexedParam: [20,23], myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...'}, // Using an array means OR: e.g. 20 or 23
fromBlock: 0

subscription.on("connected", function(subscriptionId){

subscription.on('data', function(event){
console.log(event); // same results as the optional callback above

subscription.on('changed', function(event){
// remove event from local database

subscription.on('error', function(error, receipt) { // If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the second parameter will be the receipt.

// event output example
> {
returnValues: {
myIndexedParam: 20,
myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...',
myNonIndexParam: 'My String'
raw: {
data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385']
event: 'MyEvent',
signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
logIndex: 0,
transactionIndex: 0,
transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
blockNumber: 1234,
address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'


  • new LogsSubscription(args: { abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }; address?: string; jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature; topics?: (null | string | string[])[] }, options: { returnFormat?: DataFormat; subscriptionManager: Web3SubscriptionManager<unknown, {}> }): LogsSubscription
  • new LogsSubscription(args: { abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }; address?: string; jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature; topics?: (null | string | string[])[] }, options: { requestManager: Web3RequestManager<EthExecutionAPI>; returnFormat?: DataFormat }): LogsSubscription
  • Parameters

    • args: { abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }; address?: string; jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature; topics?: (null | string | string[])[] }
    • options: { returnFormat?: DataFormat; subscriptionManager: Web3SubscriptionManager<unknown, {}> }

    Returns LogsSubscription


abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }

The JSON Interface of the event.


address?: string

Address of tye contract


args: { abi: AbiEventFragment; address?: string; topics?: (null | string | string[])[] }

Type declaration

  • abi: AbiEventFragment
  • optionaladdress?: string
  • optionaltopics?: (null | string | string[])[]


jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature


topics?: (null | string | string[])[]

The list of topics subscribed


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: unknown): void
  • Parameters

    • data: unknown

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K
    • params: { changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; data: EventLog } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>

    Returns void



  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • sendSubscriptionRequest(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • sendUnsubscribeRequest(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>




filter?: Record<string, unknown>

Let you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. {filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}} means all events where myNumber is 12 or 13.


fromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag

The block number (greater than or equal to) from which to get events on. Pre-defined block numbers as earliest, latest, pending, safe or finalized can also be used. For specific range use Contract.getPastEvents.


topics?: string[]

This allows to manually set the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (topic[0]) will not be set automatically. Each topic can also be a nested array of topics that behaves as or operation between the given nested topics.



Represents the options for a contract.


address?: string

The address used for this contract instance. All transactions generated by web3.js from this contract will contain this address as the to.

The address will be stored in lowercase.

> '0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae'

// set a new address
myContract.options.address = '0x1234FFDD...';


data?: Bytes

The byte code of the contract. Used when the contract gets deployed


from?: string

The address transactions should be made from.


gas?: string

The maximum gas provided for a transaction (gas limit).


gasPrice?: string

The gas price in wei to use for transactions.


input?: Bytes

The byte code of the contract. Used when the contract gets deployed


maxFeePerGas?: string

The max fee per gas to use for transactions.


maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string

The max priority fee per gas to use for transactions.


  • get jsonInterface(): ContractAbiWithSignature
  • set jsonInterface(value: ContractAbi): void
  • The json interface object derived from the ABI of this contract.

    Re-setting this will regenerate the methods and events of the contract instance.

    > [{
    "inputs": [{"name":"a","type":"uint256"}],
    "outputs": [{"name":"b","type":"address"}],
    "signature": "0x...",
    "inputs": [{"name":"a","type":"uint256","indexed":true},{"name":"b","type":"bytes32","indexed":false}],
    "signature": "0x...",

    // Set a new ABI interface
    // Note: the "signature" of every function and event's ABI is not needed to be provided when assigning.
    // It will be calculated and set automatically inside the setter.
    myContract.options.jsonInterface = [...];

    Returns ContractAbiWithSignature

  • Parameters

    Returns void




address: string


blockHash?: string


blockNumber?: string | number | bigint


data: string


event: string


id?: string


logIndex?: string | number | bigint


raw?: { data: string; topics: unknown[] }

Type declaration

  • data: string
  • topics: unknown[]


returnValues: Record<string, unknown>


signature?: string


topics: string[]


transactionHash?: string


transactionIndex?: string | number | bigint


NonPayableMethodObject<Inputs, Outputs>:

Type parameters

  • Inputs = unknown[]
  • Outputs = unknown[]


arguments: Inputs


  • This will call a method and execute its smart contract method in the EVM without sending any transaction. Note calling cannot alter the smart contract state.

    // using the promise
    const result = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).call({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    // Solidity
    contract MyContract {
    function myFunction() returns(uint256 myNumber, string myString) {
    return (23456, "Hello!%");

    // web3.js
    var MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    const result = MyContract.methods.myFunction().call()
    > Result {
    myNumber: '23456',
    myString: 'Hello!%',
    0: '23456', // these are here as fallbacks if the name is not know or given
    1: 'Hello!%'

    // Solidity
    contract MyContract {
    function myFunction() returns(string myString) {
    return "Hello!%";

    // web3.js
    const MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    const result = await MyContract.methods.myFunction().call();
    > "Hello!%"

    Type parameters

    • SpecialOutput = Outputs


    • optionaltx: NonPayableCallOptions

      The options used for calling.

    • optionalblock: BlockNumberOrTag

      If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with contract.defaultBlock. Pre-defined block numbers as earliest, latest, pending, safe or `finalized can also be used. Useful for requesting data from or replaying transactions in past blocks.

    Returns Promise<SpecialOutput>

    • The return value(s) of the smart contract method. If it returns a single value, it’s returned as is. If it has multiple return values they are returned as an object with properties and indices.


  • This method generates an access list for a transaction. You must specify a from address and gas if it’s not specified in options.


    • optionaltx: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalblock: BlockNumberOrTag

      If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with contract.defaultBlock. Pre-defined block numbers as earliest, latest, pending, safe or `finalized can also be used. Useful for requesting data from or replaying transactions in past blocks.

    Returns Promise<AccessListResult>

    The returned data of the createAccessList, e.g. The generated access list for transaction.

     const result = await MyContract.methods.myFunction().createAccessList();

    > {
    "accessList": [
    "address": "0x15859bdf5aff2080a9968f6a410361e9598df62f",
    "storageKeys": [
    "gasUsed": "0x7671"


  • decodeData<SpecialInputs>(data: string): SpecialInputs
  • Decode raw result of method call into readable value(s).

    Type parameters

    • SpecialInputs = Inputs


    • data: string

      The data to decode.

    Returns SpecialInputs

    • The decoded data.


  • encodeABI(): string
  • Encodes the ABI for this method. The resulting hex string is 32-bit function signature hash plus the passed parameters in Solidity tightly packed format. This can be used to send a transaction, call a method, or pass it into another smart contract’s method as arguments. Set the data field on web3.eth.sendTransaction options as the encodeABI() result and it is the same as calling the contract method with contract.myMethod.send().

    Some use cases for encodeABI() include: preparing a smart contract transaction for a multi signature wallet, working with offline wallets and cold storage and creating transaction payload for complex smart contract proxy calls.

    Returns string

    • The encoded ABI byte code to send via a transaction or call.


  • Returns the amount of gas consumed by executing the method locally without creating a new transaction on the blockchain. The returned amount can be used as a gas estimate for executing the transaction publicly. The actual gas used can be different when sending the transaction later, as the state of the smart contract can be different at that time.

    const gasAmount = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).estimateGas({gas: 5000000});
    if(gasAmount == 5000000) {
    console.log('Method ran out of gas');

    Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionaloptions: NonPayableCallOptions

      The options used for calling

    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

      The data format you want the output in.

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>

    • The gas amount estimated.



  • send(tx?: NonPayableCallOptions): Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: bigint; data?: string; id?: string; logIndex?: bigint; removed?: boolean; topics?: string[]; transactionHash?: string; transactionIndex?: bigint }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>
  • This will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method. Note this can alter the smart contract state.

    await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    const receipt = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    // using the event emitter
    const sendObj = myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'})
    sendObj.on('transactionHash', function(hash){

    sendObj.on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){

    sendObj.on('receipt', function(receipt){
    // receipt example
    > {
    "transactionHash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b",
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46",
    "blockNumber": 3,
    "contractAddress": "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe",
    "cumulativeGasUsed": 314159,
    "gasUsed": 30234,
    "events": {
    "MyEvent": {
    returnValues: {
    myIndexedParam: 20,
    myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...',
    myNonIndexParam: 'My String'
    raw: {
    data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
    topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385']
    event: 'MyEvent',
    signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
    logIndex: 0,
    transactionIndex: 0,
    transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
    blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
    blockNumber: 1234,
    address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'
    "MyOtherEvent": {
    "MyMultipleEvent":[{...}, {...}] // If there are multiple of the same event, they will be in an array

    sendObj.on('error', function(error, receipt) { // If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the second parameter will be the receipt.


    Returns Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: bigint; data?: string; id?: string; logIndex?: bigint; removed?: boolean; topics?: string[]; transactionHash?: string; transactionIndex?: bigint }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>

    • Returns a PromiEvent resolved with transaction receipt.


PayableMethodObject<Inputs, Outputs>:

Type parameters

  • Inputs = unknown[]
  • Outputs = unknown[]


arguments: Inputs


  • Will call a method and execute its smart contract method in the EVM without sending any transaction. Note calling cannot alter the smart contract state.

    // using the promise
    const result = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).call({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    // Solidity
    contract MyContract {
    function myFunction() returns(uint256 myNumber, string myString) {
    return (23456, "Hello!%");

    // web3.js
    var MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    const result = MyContract.methods.myFunction().call()
    > Result {
    myNumber: '23456',
    myString: 'Hello!%',
    0: '23456', // these are here as fallbacks if the name is not know or given
    1: 'Hello!%'

    // Solidity
    contract MyContract {
    function myFunction() returns(string myString) {
    return "Hello!%";

    // web3.js
    const MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    const result = await MyContract.methods.myFunction().call();
    > "Hello!%"

    Type parameters

    • SpecialOutput = Outputs


    • optionaltx: PayableCallOptions

      The options used for calling.

    • optionalblock: BlockNumberOrTag

      If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with contract.defaultBlock. Pre-defined block numbers as earliest, latest, pending, safe or `finalized can also be used. Useful for requesting data from or replaying transactions in past blocks.

    Returns Promise<SpecialOutput>

    • The return value(s) of the smart contract method. If it returns a single value, it’s returned as is. If it has multiple return values they are returned as an object with properties and indices.


  • This method generates an access list for a transaction. You must specify a from address and gas if it’s not specified in options.


    • optionaltx: PayableCallOptions
    • optionalblock: BlockNumberOrTag

      If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with contract.defaultBlock. Pre-defined block numbers as earliest, latest, pending, safe or `finalized can also be used. Useful for requesting data from or replaying transactions in past blocks.

    Returns Promise<AccessListResult>

    The returned data of the createAccessList, e.g. The generated access list for transaction.

     const result = await MyContract.methods.myFunction().createAccessList();

    > {
    "accessList": [
    "address": "0x15859bdf5aff2080a9968f6a410361e9598df62f",
    "storageKeys": [
    "gasUsed": "0x7671"


  • decodeData<SpecialInputs>(data: string): SpecialInputs
  • Decode raw result of method call into readable value(s).

    Type parameters

    • SpecialInputs = Inputs


    • data: string

      The data to decode.

    Returns SpecialInputs

    • The decoded data.


  • encodeABI(): string
  • Encodes the ABI for this method. The resulting hex string is 32-bit function signature hash plus the passed parameters in Solidity tightly packed format. This can be used to send a transaction, call a method, or pass it into another smart contract’s method as arguments. Set the data field on web3.eth.sendTransaction options as the encodeABI() result and it is the same as calling the contract method with contract.myMethod.send().

    Some use cases for encodeABI() include: preparing a smart contract transaction for a multi signature wallet, working with offline wallets and cold storage and creating transaction payload for complex smart contract proxy calls.

    Returns string

    • The encoded ABI byte code to send via a transaction or call.


  • Returns the amount of gas consumed by executing the method locally without creating a new transaction on the blockchain. The returned amount can be used as a gas estimate for executing the transaction publicly. The actual gas used can be different when sending the transaction later, as the state of the smart contract can be different at that time.

    const gasAmount = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).estimateGas({gas: 5000000});
    if(gasAmount == 5000000) {
    console.log('Method ran out of gas');

    Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionaloptions: PayableCallOptions

      The options used for calling

    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

      The data format you want the output in.

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>

    • The gas amount estimated.



  • send(tx?: PayableCallOptions): Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: bigint; data?: string; id?: string; logIndex?: bigint; removed?: boolean; topics?: string[]; transactionHash?: string; transactionIndex?: bigint }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>
  • Will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method. Note this can alter the smart contract state.

    await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    const receipt = await myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'});

    // using the event emitter
    const sendObj = myContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'})
    sendObj.on('transactionHash', function(hash){

    sendObj.on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){

    sendObj.on('receipt', function(receipt){
    // receipt example
    > {
    "transactionHash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b",
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46",
    "blockNumber": 3,
    "contractAddress": "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe",
    "cumulativeGasUsed": 314159,
    "gasUsed": 30234,
    "events": {
    "MyEvent": {
    returnValues: {
    myIndexedParam: 20,
    myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...',
    myNonIndexParam: 'My String'
    raw: {
    data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
    topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385']
    event: 'MyEvent',
    signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
    logIndex: 0,
    transactionIndex: 0,
    transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385',
    blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7',
    blockNumber: 1234,
    address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'
    "MyOtherEvent": {
    "MyMultipleEvent":[{...}, {...}] // If there are multiple of the same event, they will be in an array

    sendObj.on('error', function(error, receipt) { // If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the second parameter will be the receipt.


    Returns Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: bigint; data?: string; id?: string; logIndex?: bigint; removed?: boolean; topics?: string[]; transactionHash?: string; transactionIndex?: bigint }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>

    • Returns a PromiEvent object resolved with transaction receipt.


ContractAbiWithSignature: ReadonlyArray<AbiFragment & { signature: HexString }>


ContractEventEmitterInterface<Abi>: { [ EventAbi in FilterAbis<Abi, AbiFunctionFragment & { type: event }> as EventAbi[name] ]: ContractEvent<EventAbi>[Inputs] }

Type parameters


ContractEventsInterface<Abi, Events>: { [ Name in keyof Events | allEvents ]: ContractBoundEvent } & {}

Type parameters


ContractMethodsInterface<Abi>: { [ MethodAbi in FilterAbis<Abi, AbiFunctionFragment & { type: function }> as MethodAbi[name] ]: ContractBoundMethod<MethodAbi> } & {}

Type parameters


ContractOverloadedMethodInputs<AbiArr>: NonNullable<AbiArr extends readonly [] ? undefined : AbiArr extends readonly [infer A, ...infer R] ? A extends AbiFunctionFragment ? ContractMethodInputParameters<A[inputs]> | ContractOverloadedMethodInputs<R> : undefined : undefined>

Type parameters

  • AbiArr: ReadonlyArray<unknown>


ContractOverloadedMethodOutputs<AbiArr>: NonNullable<AbiArr extends readonly [] ? undefined : AbiArr extends readonly [infer A, ...infer R] ? A extends AbiFunctionFragment ? ContractMethodOutputParameters<A[outputs]> | ContractOverloadedMethodOutputs<R> : undefined : undefined>

Type parameters

  • AbiArr: ReadonlyArray<unknown>


NonPayableTxOptions: NonPayableCallOptions


PayableTxOptions: PayableCallOptions


Web3ContractContext: Partial<Web3ContextInitOptions<EthExecutionAPI, { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription }>>


  • create2ContractAddress(from: string, salt: string, initCode: string): string
  • Parameters

    • from: string
    • salt: string
    • initCode: string

    Returns string


  • createContractAddress(from: string, nonce: Numbers): string
  • Parameters

    Returns string


  • decodeEventABI(event: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }, data: LogsInput, jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature, returnFormat?: DataFormat): EventLog
  • Parameters

    Returns EventLog




  • encodeEventABI(__namedParameters: ContractOptions, event: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }, options?: Filter): Writeable<Filter>
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: ContractOptions
    • event: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }
    • optionaloptions: Filter

    Returns Writeable<Filter>



  • getCreateAccessListParams(__namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }): TransactionForAccessList
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }

    Returns TransactionForAccessList


  • getEstimateGasParams(__namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }): Partial<TransactionWithSenderAPI>
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }

    Returns Partial<TransactionWithSenderAPI>


  • getEthTxCallParams(__namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }): TransactionCall
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | "data" | "both" | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }

    Returns TransactionCall


  • getSendTxParams(__namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment | AbiConstructorFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { input?: string | undefined; data?: string | undefined; to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | ... 2 more ... | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }): TransactionCall
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { abi: AbiFunctionFragment | AbiConstructorFragment; contractOptions: ContractOptions; options?: (PayableCallOptions | NonPayableCallOptions) & { input?: string | undefined; data?: string | undefined; to?: string | undefined; dataInputFill?: "input" | ... 2 more ... | undefined; }; params: unknown[] }

    Returns TransactionCall






This class is designed to interact with the ENS system on the Ethereum blockchain. For using ENS package, first install Web3 package using: npm i web3 or yarn add web3 based on your package manager, after that ENS features can be used as mentioned in following snippet.

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3('');

console.log(await web3.eth.ens.getAddress('ethereum.eth'))

For using individual package install web3-eth-ens packages using: npm i web3-eth-ens or yarn add web3-eth-ens. This is more efficient approach for building lightweight applications.

import { ENS } from 'web3-eth-ens';

const ens = new ENS(undefined,'');

console.log(await ens.getAddress('vitalik.eth'));


  • Use to create an instance of ENS

    const ens = new ENS(

    console.log( ens.defaultChain);
    > mainnet


    Returns ENS



providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration


registryAddress: string

The registryAddress property can be used to define a custom registry address when you are connected to an unknown chain. It defaults to the main registry address.


givenProvider?: SupportedProviders<never>


providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration




  • get blockHeaderTimeout(): number
  • set blockHeaderTimeout(val: number): void
  • The blockHeaderTimeout is used over socket-based connections. This option defines the amount seconds it should wait for 'newBlockHeaders' event before falling back to polling to fetch transaction receipt. Default is 10 seconds.

    Returns number

  • Will set the blockHeaderTimeout


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get contractDataInputFill(): input | data | both
  • set contractDataInputFill(val: input | data | both): void
  • The contractDataInputFill options property will allow you to set the hash of the method signature and encoded parameters to the property either data, input or both within your contract. This will affect the contracts send, call and estimateGas methods Default is data.

    Returns input | data | both

  • Will set the contractDataInputFill


    • val: input | data | both

    Returns void


  • Will return the current provider. (The same as provider)

    const web3Context = new Web3Context("http://localhost:8545");
    > HttpProvider {
    clientUrl: 'http://localhost:8545',
    httpProviderOptions: undefined

    Returns undefined | Web3BaseProvider<API>

    Returns the current provider

  • Will set the current provider. (The same as provider)

     const web3Context = new Web3Context("http://localhost:8545");
    web3Context.currentProvider = "ws://localhost:8545";
    > WebSocketProvider {
    _eventEmitter: EventEmitter {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
    _eventsCount: 0,


    Returns void



  • get defaultAccount(): undefined | string
  • set defaultAccount(val: undefined | string): void
  • This default address is used as the default from property, if no from property is specified in for the following methods:

    • web3.eth.sendTransaction()
    • myContract.methods.myMethod().call()
    • myContract.methods.myMethod().send()

    Returns undefined | string

  • Will set the default account.


    • val: undefined | string

    Returns void


  • The default block is used for certain methods. You can override it by passing in the defaultBlock as last parameter. The default value is "latest".

    • web3.eth.getBalance()
    • web3.eth.getCode()
    • web3.eth.getTransactionCount()
    • web3.eth.getStorageAt()
    • myContract.methods.myMethod().call()

    Returns BlockNumberOrTag

  • Will set the default block.

    • A block number
    • "earliest" - String: The genesis block
    • "latest" - String: The latest block (current head of the blockchain)
    • "pending" - String: The currently mined block (including pending transactions)
    • "finalized" - String: (For POS networks) The finalized block is one which has been accepted as canonical by greater than 2/3 of validators
    • "safe" - String: (For POS networks) The safe head block is one which under normal network conditions, is expected to be included in the canonical chain. Under normal network conditions the safe head and the actual tip of the chain will be equivalent (with safe head trailing only by a few seconds). Safe heads will be less likely to be reorged than the proof of work network's latest blocks.


    Returns void


  • get defaultChain(): string
  • set defaultChain(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultCommon(): undefined | Common
  • set defaultCommon(val: undefined | Common): void
  • Will get the default common property The default common property does contain the following Common object:

    • customChain - Object: The custom chain properties
      • name - string: (optional) The name of the chain
      • networkId - number: Network ID of the custom chain
      • chainId - number: Chain ID of the custom chain
    • baseChain - string: (optional) mainnet, goerli, kovan, rinkeby, or ropsten
    • hardfork - string: (optional) chainstart, homestead, dao, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg, istanbul, berlin, or london Default is undefined.

    Returns undefined | Common

  • Will set the default common property


    Returns void


  • get defaultHardfork(): string
  • set defaultHardfork(val: string): void
  • Will return the default hardfork. Default is london The default hardfork property can be one of the following:

    • chainstart
    • homestead
    • dao
    • tangerineWhistle
    • spuriousDragon
    • byzantium
    • constantinople
    • petersburg
    • istanbul
    • berlin
    • london
    • 'arrowGlacier',
    • 'tangerineWhistle',
    • 'muirGlacier'

    Returns string

  • Will set the default hardfork.


    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(): Numbers
  • set defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultNetworkId(): undefined | Numbers
  • set defaultNetworkId(val: undefined | Numbers): void
  • Returns undefined | Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Returns DataFormat

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultTransactionType(): Numbers
  • set defaultTransactionType(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get enableExperimentalFeatures(): { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }
  • set enableExperimentalFeatures(val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }): void
  • The enableExperimentalFeatures is used to enable trying new experimental features that are still not fully implemented or not fully tested or still have some related issues. Default is false for every feature.

    Returns { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    • useRpcCallSpecification: boolean
    • useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean
  • Will set the enableExperimentalFeatures


    • val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    Returns void


  • get events(): ContractEventsInterface<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: label; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: NewOwner; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: resolver; type: address }]; name: NewResolver; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: Transfer; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: owner; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: recordExists; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: resolver; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: ttl; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint64; name: ; type: uint64 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }], ContractEvents<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: label; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: NewOwner; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: resolver; type: address }]; name: NewResolver; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: Transfer; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: owner; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: recordExists; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: resolver; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: ttl; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint64; name: ; type: uint64 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>

  • Returns ContractEventsInterface<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: label; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: NewOwner; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: resolver; type: address }]; name: NewResolver; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: Transfer; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: owner; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: recordExists; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: resolver; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: ttl; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint64; name: ; type: uint64 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }], ContractEvents<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: label; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: NewOwner; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: resolver; type: address }]; name: NewResolver; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }]; name: Transfer; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: owner; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: recordExists; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: resolver; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: ttl; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint64; name: ; type: uint64 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>

    • Returns all events that can be emitted by the ENS registry.


  • Will return the givenProvider if available.

    When using web3.js in an Ethereum compatible browser, it will set with the current native provider by that browser. Will return the given provider by the (browser) environment, otherwise undefined.

    Returns undefined | SupportedProviders<never>


  • get handleRevert(): boolean
  • set handleRevert(val: boolean): void
  • The handleRevert options property returns the revert reason string if enabled for the following methods:

    • web3.eth.sendTransaction()
    • myContract.methods.myMethod().call()
    • myContract.methods.myMethod().send() Default is false.

    Note: At the moment handleRevert is only supported for sendTransaction and not for sendSignedTransaction

    Returns boolean

  • Will set the handleRevert


    • val: boolean

    Returns void


  • get ignoreGasPricing(): boolean
  • set ignoreGasPricing(val: boolean): void
  • Will get the ignoreGasPricing property. When true, the gasPrice, maxPriorityFeePerGas, and maxFeePerGas will not be autofilled in the transaction object. Useful when you want wallets to handle gas pricing.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • val: boolean

    Returns void


  • get maxListenersWarningThreshold(): number
  • set maxListenersWarningThreshold(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Will return the current provider.

    const web3 = new Web3Context("http://localhost:8545");
    > HttpProvider {
    clientUrl: 'http://localhost:8545',
    httpProviderOptions: undefined

    Returns undefined | Web3BaseProvider<API>

    Returns the current provider

  • Will set the current provider.

     const web3Context = new web3ContextContext("http://localhost:8545");
    web3Context.provider = "ws://localhost:8545";
    > WebSocketProvider {
    _eventEmitter: EventEmitter {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
    _eventsCount: 0,


    Returns void




  • get transactionBlockTimeout(): number
  • set transactionBlockTimeout(val: number): void
  • The transactionBlockTimeout is used over socket-based connections. This option defines the amount of new blocks it should wait until the first confirmation happens, otherwise the PromiEvent rejects with a timeout error. Default is 50.

    Returns number

  • Will set the transactionBlockTimeout.


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationBlocks(): number
  • set transactionConfirmationBlocks(val: number): void
  • This defines the number of blocks it requires until a transaction is considered confirmed. Default is 24.

    Returns number

  • Will set the transactionConfirmationBlocks.


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingInterval(): number
  • set transactionPollingInterval(val: number): void
  • Used over HTTP connections. This option defines the number of seconds between Web3 calls for a receipt which confirms that a transaction was mined by the network. Default is 1000 ms.

    Returns number

  • Will set the transactionPollingInterval.


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingTimeout(): number
  • set transactionPollingTimeout(val: number): void
  • Used over HTTP connections. This option defines the number of seconds Web3 will wait for a receipt which confirms that a transaction was mined by the network. Note: If this method times out, the transaction may still be pending. Default is 750 seconds (12.5 minutes).

    Returns number

  • Will set the transactionPollingTimeout.


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionReceiptPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionReceiptPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • The transactionPollingInterval is used over HTTP connections. This option defines the number of seconds between Web3 calls for a receipt which confirms that a transaction was mined by the network. Default is undefined

    Returns undefined | number

  • Will set the transactionReceiptPollingInterval


    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionSendTimeout(): number
  • set transactionSendTimeout(val: number): void
  • The time used to wait for Ethereum Node to return the sent transaction result. Note: If the RPC call stuck at the Node and therefor timed-out, the transaction may still be pending or even mined by the Network. We recommend checking the pending transactions in such a case. Default is 750 seconds (12.5 minutes).

    Returns number

  • Will set the transactionSendTimeout.


    • val: number

    Returns void




  • checkNetwork(): Promise<string>
  • Checks if the current used network is synced and looks for ENS support there. Throws an error if not.

    console.log(await web3.eth.ens.checkNetwork());
    > '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e'

    Returns Promise<string>

    • The address of the ENS registry if the network has been detected successfully


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • This method allows extending the web3 modules. Note: This method is only for backward compatibility, and It is recommended to use Web3 v4 Plugin feature for extending web3.js functionality if you are developing something new.


    Returns this


  • getAddress(ENSName: string, coinType?: number): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>
  • Resolves an ENS name to an Ethereum address.


    • ENSName: string

      The ENS name to resolve

    • optionalcoinType: number

      (Optional) The coin type, defaults to 60 (ETH)

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>

    • The Ethereum address of the given name
    const address = await web3.eth.ens.getAddress('ethereum.eth');
    > '0xfB6916095ca1df60bB79Ce92cE3Ea74c37c5d359'


  • Returns the content hash object associated with an ENS node.

    const hash = await web3.eth.ens.getContenthash('ethereum.eth');
    > 'QmaEBknbGT4bTQiQoe2VNgBJbRfygQGktnaW5TbuKixjYL'


    • ENSName: string

      The ENS name

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>

    • The content hash object associated with an ENS node



  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • getName(ENSName: string, checkInterfaceSupport?: boolean): Promise<string>
  • Resolves the name of an ENS node.


    • ENSName: string

      The node to resolve

    • optionalcheckInterfaceSupport: boolean

    Returns Promise<string>

    • The name


  • getOwner(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns the owner by the given name and current configured or detected Registry

    const owner = await web3.eth.ens.getOwner('ethereum.eth');


    • name: string

      The ENS name

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    • Returns the address of the owner of the name.


  • Returns the X and Y coordinates of the curve point for the public key.

    const key = await web3.eth.ens.getPubkey('ethereum.eth');
    > {
    "0": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "1": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "x": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "y": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


    • ENSName: string

      The ENS name

    Returns Promise<unknown[] & Record<1, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<0, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & [] & Record<x, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<y, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>>>

    • The X and Y coordinates of the curve point for the public key


  • getResolver(name: string): Promise<Contract<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }]>>
  • Returns the Resolver by the given address

    const resolver = await ens.getResolver('resolver');

    > '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'


    • name: string

      The name of the ENS domain

    Returns Promise<Contract<readonly [{ anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }]>>

    • An contract instance of the resolver


  • getTTL(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns the caching TTL (time-to-live) of an ENS name.

    const owner = await web3.eth.ens.getTTL('ethereum.eth');


    • name: string

      The ENS name

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    • Returns the caching TTL (time-to-live) of a name.


  • getText(ENSNameOrAddr: string, key: string): Promise<string>


  • link<T>(parentContext: T): void
  • Link current context to another context.

    Type parameters


    • parentContext: T

    Returns void


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: contractDataInputFill; newValue: input | data | both; oldValue: input | data | both } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: ignoreGasPricing; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } | { name: customTransactionSchema; newValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema; oldValue: undefined | CustomTransactionSchema } | { name: defaultReturnFormat; newValue: DataFormat; oldValue: DataFormat } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • recordExists(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns true if the record exists

    const exists = await web3.eth.ens.recordExists('ethereum.eth');


    • name: string

      The ENS name

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    • Returns true if node exists in this ENS registry. This will return false for records that are in the legacy ENS registry but have not yet been migrated to the new one.


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Returns EventEmitter


  • Sets the address of an ENS name in his resolver.


    • name: string

      The ENS name

    • address: string

      The address to set

    • txConfig: PayableCallOptions

      (Optional) The transaction config

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>

    • The transaction receipt
    const receipt = await ens.setAddress('web3js.eth','0xe2597eb05cf9a87eb1309e86750c903ec38e527e');


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void




  • supportsInterface(ENSName: string, interfaceId: string): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>
  • Returns true if the related Resolver does support the given signature or interfaceId.

    const supports = await web3.eth.ens.supportsInterface('ethereum.eth', 'addr(bytes32');
    > true


    • ENSName: string

      The ENS name

    • interfaceId: string

      The signature of the function or the interfaceId as described in the ENS documentation

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>

    • true if the related Resolver does support the given signature or interfaceId.


  • Use to create new object of any type extended by Web3Context and link it to current context. This can be used to initiate a global context object and then use it to create new objects of any type extended by Web3Context.

    Type parameters


    Returns T



registryAddresses: {}

An object holding the addressed of the ENS registries on the different networks (mainnet, goerli).

Type declaration

  • [T string]: string




Re-exports Iban


Renames and re-exports Iban


IbanOptions: { identifier: string; institution: string }

An object that could hold the components for an Indirect IBAN (BBAN)

Type declaration

  • identifier: string
  • institution: string




Re-exports Personal


Renames and re-exports Personal





Subscribes to incoming logs, filtered by the given options. If a valid numerical fromBlock options property is set, web3.js will retrieve logs beginning from this point, backfilling the response as necessary.

You can subscribe to logs matching a given filter object, which can take the following parameters:

  • fromBlock: (optional, default: 'latest') Integer block number, or 'latest' for the last mined block or 'pending', 'earliest' for not yet mined transactions.
  • address: (optional) Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
  • topics: (optional) Array of 32 Bytes DATA topics. Topics are order-dependent. Each topic can also be an array of DATA with or options.



args: { address?: string | string[]; fromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag; topics?: string[] }

Type declaration

  • optionalreadonlyaddress?: string | string[]
  • optionalreadonlyfromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag
  • optionalreadonlytopics?: string[]


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: unknown): void
  • Parameters

    • data: unknown

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { data: LogsOutput } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]): void
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K
    • params: { data: LogsOutput } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]






  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • sendSubscriptionRequest(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • sendUnsubscribeRequest(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>



subscribe('newHeads') ( same as subscribe('newBlockHeaders'))

Subscribes to incoming block headers. This can be used as timer to check for changes on the blockchain.

The structure of a returned block header is BlockHeaderOutput:

(await web3.eth.subscribe('newHeads')).on( // 'newBlockHeaders' would work as well
parentHash: '0x9e746a1d906b299def98c75b06f714d62dacadd567c7515d76eeaa8c8074c738',
sha3Uncles: '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
miner: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
stateRoot: '0xe0f04b04861ecfa95e82a9310d6a7ef7aef8d7417f5209c182582bfb98a8e307',
transactionsRoot: '0x31ab4ea571a9e10d3a19aaed07d190595b1dfa34e03960c04293fec565dea536',
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
difficulty: 2n,
number: 21n,
gasLimit: 11738125n,
gasUsed: 830006n,
timestamp: 1678797237n,
extraData: '0xd883010b02846765746888676f312e32302e31856c696e757800000000000000e0a6e93cf40e2e71a72e493272210c3f43738ccc7e7d7b14ffd51833797d896c09117e8dc4fbcbc969bd21b42e5af3e276a911524038c001b2109b63b8e0352601',
nonce: 0n



args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: unknown): void
  • Parameters

    • data: unknown

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { data: BlockHeaderOutput } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]): void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]






  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • sendSubscriptionRequest(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • sendUnsubscribeRequest(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>




Subscribes to incoming pending transactions.

You can subscribe to pending transactions by calling web3.eth.subscribe('pendingTransactions').

(await web3.eth.subscribe('pendingTransactions')).on('data', console.log);



args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: unknown): void
  • Parameters

    • data: unknown

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K
    • params: { data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ data: string } & CommonSubscriptionEvents>


    Returns void



  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • sendSubscriptionRequest(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • sendUnsubscribeRequest(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


SendTxHelper<ReturnFormat, ResolveType, TxType>:




  • emitConfirmation(__namedParameters: { customTransactionReceiptSchema?: Schema; receipt: ResolveType; transactionHash: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { customTransactionReceiptSchema?: Schema; receipt: ResolveType; transactionHash: string }

    Returns void


  • emitReceipt(receipt: ResolveType): void
  • Parameters

    • receipt: ResolveType

    Returns void


  • emitSending(tx: string | TxType): void
  • Parameters

    • tx: string | TxType

    Returns void


  • emitSent(tx: string | TxType): void
  • Parameters

    • tx: string | TxType

    Returns void


  • emitTransactionHash(hash: string & Uint8Array): void
  • Parameters

    • hash: string & Uint8Array

    Returns void



  • handleError(__namedParameters: { error: unknown; tx: TransactionCall }): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • handleResolve(__namedParameters: { receipt: ResolveType; tx: TransactionCall }): Promise<ResolveType>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<ResolveType>


  • populateGasPrice(__namedParameters: { transaction: TxType; transactionFormatted: TxType }): Promise<TxType>
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { transaction: TxType; transactionFormatted: TxType }

    Returns Promise<TxType>


  • signAndSend(__namedParameters: { tx: TxType; wallet: undefined | Web3BaseWalletAccount }): Promise<string>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<string>




Subscribe to syncing events. This will return true when the node is syncing and when it’s finished syncing will return false, for the changed event.

(await web3.eth.subscribe('syncing')).on('changed', console.log);
> `true` // when syncing

(await web3.eth.subscribe('syncing')).on('data', console.log);
> {
startingBlock: 0,
currentBlock: 0,
highestBlock: 0,
pulledStates: 0,
knownStates: 0



args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: boolean | { status: SyncOutput; syncing: boolean }): void
  • Parameters

    • data: boolean | { status: SyncOutput; syncing: boolean }

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { changed: boolean; data: SyncOutput } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]): void
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K
    • params: { changed: boolean; data: SyncOutput } & CommonSubscriptionEvents[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): (...args: any[]) => void[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns (...args: any[]) => void[]


  • Type parameters


    Returns void


  • Type parameters


    Returns void


  • Type parameters


    Returns void



  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • sendSubscriptionRequest(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • sendUnsubscribeRequest(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>





data?: string


reason: string


signature?: string




customErrorArguments: Record<string, unknown>


customErrorDecodedSignature: string


customErrorName: string


data?: string


reason: string


signature?: string



Type parameters


checkRevertBeforeSending?: boolean


contractAbi?: ContractAbi


transactionResolver?: (receipt: TransactionReceipt) => ResolveType

Type declaration



Type parameters


checkRevertBeforeSending?: boolean


contractAbi?: ContractAbi


ignoreFillingGasLimit?: boolean


ignoreGasPricing?: boolean


transactionResolver?: (receipt: TransactionReceipt) => ResolveType

Type declaration




Type Aliases


CustomTransactionSchema: { properties: Record<string, Schema>; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: Record<string, Schema>
  • type: string


InternalTransaction: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>


RegisteredSubscription: { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newPendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; pendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; syncing: typeof SyncingSubscription }

Type declaration


SendSignedTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: SendTransactionEventsBase<ReturnFormat, Bytes>

Type parameters


SendTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: SendTransactionEventsBase<ReturnFormat, Transaction>

Type parameters


SendTransactionEventsBase<ReturnFormat, TxType>: { confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }; error: TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>> | TransactionRevertInstructionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>> | TransactionRevertWithCustomError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>> | TransactionPollingTimeoutError | InvalidResponseError | ContractExecutionError; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>; sending: FormatType<TxType, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; sent: FormatType<TxType, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat> }

Type parameters

Type declaration






ALL_EVENTS_ABI: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }



Type declaration

  • readonlybytes: FMT_BYTES.HEX
  • readonlynumber: FMT_NUMBER.NUMBER


SignatureObjectSchema: { properties: { message: { format: string }; messageHash: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; signature: { format: string }; v: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { message: { format: string }; messageHash: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; signature: { format: string }; v: { format: string } }
    • message: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • messageHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • r: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • s: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • signature: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • v: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


accessListItemSchema: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }
    • address: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


accessListResultSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; gasUsed: { type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; gasUsed: { type: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
            • items: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • gasUsed: { type: string }
      • type: string
  • type: string


accessListSchema: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
    • properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }
      • address: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
        • items: { format: string }
          • format: string
        • type: string
    • type: string
  • type: string


accountSchema: { properties: { accountProof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; balance: { format: string }; codeHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; storageHash: { format: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accountProof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; balance: { format: string }; codeHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; storageHash: { format: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • accountProof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • balance: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • codeHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • nonce: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • storageHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }
          • key: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
            • items: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • type: string
          • value: { format: string }
            • format: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


blockHeaderSchema: { properties: { author: { format: string }; baseFeePerGas: { format: string }; blobGasUsed: { format: string }; difficulty: { format: string }; excessBlobGas: { format: string }; excessDataGas: { format: string }; extraData: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; hash: { format: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; miner: { format: string }; mixHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; number: { format: string }; parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }; parentHash: { format: string }; receiptsRoot: { format: string }; sha3Uncles: { format: string }; size: { format: string }; stateRoot: { format: string }; timestamp: { format: string }; totalDifficulty: { format: string }; transactions: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionsRoot: { format: string }; uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; withdrawalsRoot: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { author: { format: string }; baseFeePerGas: { format: string }; blobGasUsed: { format: string }; difficulty: { format: string }; excessBlobGas: { format: string }; excessDataGas: { format: string }; extraData: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; hash: { format: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; miner: { format: string }; mixHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; number: { format: string }; parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }; parentHash: { format: string }; receiptsRoot: { format: string }; sha3Uncles: { format: string }; size: { format: string }; stateRoot: { format: string }; timestamp: { format: string }; totalDifficulty: { format: string }; transactions: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionsRoot: { format: string }; uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; withdrawalsRoot: { format: string } }
    • author: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • baseFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blobGasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • difficulty: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • excessBlobGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • excessDataGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • extraData: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasLimit: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • hash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • logsBloom: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • miner: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • mixHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • nonce: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • number: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • parentHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • receiptsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • sha3Uncles: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • size: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • stateRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • timestamp: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • totalDifficulty: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • transactions: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • transactionsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • amount: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • index: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • validatorIndex: { format: string }
            • format: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • withdrawalsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


blockSchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { format: string }; blobGasUsed: { format: string }; difficulty: { format: string }; excessBlobGas: { format: string }; extraData: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; hash: { format: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; miner: { format: string }; mixHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; number: { format: string }; parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }; parentHash: { format: string }; receiptsRoot: { format: string }; sha3Uncles: { format: string }; size: { format: string }; stateRoot: { format: string }; timestamp: { format: string }; totalDifficulty: { format: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { format?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: ...; type: ... }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: ...; customChain: ...; hardfork: ... }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ...[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { format: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { format: string }; uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; withdrawalsRoot: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { format: string }; blobGasUsed: { format: string }; difficulty: { format: string }; excessBlobGas: { format: string }; extraData: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; hash: { format: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; miner: { format: string }; mixHash: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; number: { format: string }; parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }; parentHash: { format: string }; receiptsRoot: { format: string }; sha3Uncles: { format: string }; size: { format: string }; stateRoot: { format: string }; timestamp: { format: string }; totalDifficulty: { format: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { format?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: ...; type: ... }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: ...; customChain: ...; hardfork: ... }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ...[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { format: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { format: string }; uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; withdrawalsRoot: { format: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blobGasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • difficulty: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • excessBlobGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • extraData: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasLimit: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • hash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • logsBloom: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • miner: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • mixHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • nonce: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • number: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • parentBeaconBlockRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • parentHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • receiptsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • sha3Uncles: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • size: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • stateRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • timestamp: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • totalDifficulty: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { format?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: ...; type: ... }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: ...; customChain: ...; hardfork: ... }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ...[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { format: string }; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ items: { format?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: ...; type: ... }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: ...; customChain: ...; hardfork: ... }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: ...[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ...[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { format: string }; type: string })[]
    • transactionsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • uncles: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • withdrawals: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • amount: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • index: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • validatorIndex: { format: string }
            • format: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • withdrawalsRoot: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


chainSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


customChainSchema: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }
    • chainId: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • name: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • networkId: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


feeHistorySchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { format: string }; reward: { items: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { format: string }; reward: { items: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { type: string }
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • oldestBlock: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • reward: { items: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
        • items: { format: string }
          • format: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


hardforkSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


logSchema: { properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }
    • address: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blockHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blockNumber: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • data: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • logIndex: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • removed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • transactionHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • transactionIndex: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


registeredSubscriptions: { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newPendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; pendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; syncing: typeof SyncingSubscription }

Type declaration


storageProofSchema: { properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { key: { format: string }; proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; value: { format: string } }
    • key: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • proof: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
      • items: { format: string }
        • format: string
      • type: string
    • value: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


syncSchema: { properties: { currentBlock: { format: string }; highestBlock: { format: string }; knownStates: { format: string }; pulledStates: { format: string }; startingBlock: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { currentBlock: { format: string }; highestBlock: { format: string }; knownStates: { format: string }; pulledStates: { format: string }; startingBlock: { format: string } }
    • currentBlock: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • highestBlock: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • knownStates: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • pulledStates: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • startingBlock: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


transactionInfoSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { format: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
            • items: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • blockHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blockNumber: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }
            • chainId: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • name: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • networkId: { format: string }
              • format: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • from: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasLimit: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasPrice: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • hash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • input: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • networkId: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • nonce: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • r: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • s: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[]
    • transactionIndex: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • type: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • v: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • value: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


transactionReceiptSchema: { properties: { blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; contractAddress: { format: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; root: { format: string }; status: { format: string }; to: { format: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; contractAddress: { format: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gasUsed: { format: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { format: string }; root: { format: string }; status: { format: string }; to: { format: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string }; type: { format: string } }
    • blockHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • blockNumber: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • contractAddress: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • cumulativeGasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • from: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasUsed: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • logs: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; blockHash: { format: string }; blockNumber: { format: string }; data: { format: string }; logIndex: { format: string }; removed: { format: string }; topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { format: string }; transactionIndex: { format: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • blockHash: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • blockNumber: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • data: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • logIndex: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • removed: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • topics: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
            • items: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • type: string
          • transactionHash: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • transactionIndex: { format: string }
            • format: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • logsBloom: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • root: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • status: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • to: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • transactionHash: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • transactionIndex: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • type: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


transactionSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { format: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { format: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }; from: { format: string }; gas: { format: string }; gasLimit: { format: string }; gasPrice: { format: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { format: string }; maxFeePerGas: { format: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string }; nonce: { format: string }; r: { format: string }; s: { format: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { format: string }; v: { format: string }; value: { format: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { format: string }; storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { format: string }
            • format: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { format: string }; type: string }
            • items: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { format: string }; name: { format: string }; networkId: { format: string } }
            • chainId: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • name: { format: string }
              • format: string
            • networkId: { format: string }
              • format: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • from: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasLimit: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • gasPrice: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • input: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • networkId: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • nonce: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • r: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • s: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ format: string; type?: undefined } | { format?: undefined; type: string })[]
    • type: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • v: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • value: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string


withdrawalsSchema: { properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { format: string }; amount: { format: string }; index: { format: string }; validatorIndex: { format: string } }
    • address: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • amount: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • index: { format: string }
      • format: string
    • validatorIndex: { format: string }
      • format: string
  • type: string





  • detectTransactionType(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }, web3Context?: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>): undefined | string
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }
    • optionalweb3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

    Returns undefined | string





  • getBlock<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array, hydrated: undefined | boolean, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ baseFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; difficulty?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; extraData: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; gasLimit: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; logsBloom?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; miner: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; mixHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; number: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; parentHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; receiptsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; sha3Uncles: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; size: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; stateRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; timestamp: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; totalDifficulty: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; transactions: string[] | { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; hash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]; transactionsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; uncles: string[] }>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getBlock

    Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array
    • hydrated: undefined | boolean
    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ baseFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; difficulty?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; extraData: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; gasLimit: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; logsBloom?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; miner: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; mixHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; number: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; parentHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; receiptsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; sha3Uncles: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; size: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; stateRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; timestamp: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; totalDifficulty: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; transactions: string[] | { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; hash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]; transactionsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; uncles: string[] }>



  • getBlockTransactionCount<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getBlockUncleCount<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>










  • getPendingTransactions<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from?: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getPendingTransactions

    Type parameters


    Returns Promise<{ accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from?: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]>





  • getTransaction<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, transactionHash: Bytes, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList?: undefined; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string } | undefined>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getTransaction

    Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • transactionHash: Bytes
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList?: undefined; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string } | undefined>



  • getTransactionFromBlock<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array, transactionIndex: Numbers, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList?: undefined; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string } | undefined>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getTransactionFromBlock

    Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array
    • transactionIndex: Numbers
    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v?: undefined; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList?: undefined; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string } | undefined>



  • getTransactionReceipt<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, transactionHash: Bytes, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ blockHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; effectiveGasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; id?: string; logIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; removed?: boolean; topics?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; transactionHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }[]; logsBloom: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; root: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; status: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; to: string; transactionHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] } | undefined>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getTransactionReceipt

    Type parameters


    Returns Promise<{ blockHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; effectiveGasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; events?: {}; from: string; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; logs: { address?: string; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; id?: string; logIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; removed?: boolean; topics?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; transactionHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }[]; logsBloom: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; root: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; status: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; to: string; transactionHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] } | undefined>


  • getUncle<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array, uncleIndex: Numbers, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ baseFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; difficulty?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; extraData: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; gasLimit: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; logsBloom?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; miner: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; mixHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; number: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; parentHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; receiptsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; sha3Uncles: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; size: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; stateRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; timestamp: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; totalDifficulty: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; transactions: string[] | { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; hash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]; transactionsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; uncles: string[] }>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getUncle

    Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Uint8Array
    • uncleIndex: Numbers
    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ baseFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; difficulty?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; extraData: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; gasLimit: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasUsed: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; logsBloom?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; miner: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; mixHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; number: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; parentHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; receiptsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; sha3Uncles: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; size: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; stateRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; timestamp: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; totalDifficulty: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; transactions: string[] | { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; hash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: string | null; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]; transactionsRoot: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; uncles: string[] }>












  • prepareTransactionForSigning(transaction: Transaction, web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, privateKey?: string | Uint8Array, fillGasPrice?: boolean, fillGasLimit?: boolean): Promise<TypedTransaction>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<TypedTransaction>




  • sign<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, message: Bytes, addressOrIndex: string | number, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string } | ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]>
  • View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.sign

    Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      (Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.

    • message: Bytes
    • addressOrIndex: string | number
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string } | ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]>




  • transactionBuilder<ReturnType_1>(options: { fillGasLimit?: boolean; fillGasPrice?: boolean; privateKey?: string | Uint8Array; transaction: Transaction; web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any> }): Promise<ReturnType_1>
  • Type parameters


    Returns Promise<ReturnType_1>


  • An internal function to send a transaction or throws if sending did not finish during the timeout during the blocks-timeout.


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

      the context to read the configurations from

    • sendTransactionFunc: AsyncFunction<string, unknown>

      the function that will send the transaction (could be sendTransaction or sendRawTransaction)

    • optionaltransactionHash: Bytes

      to be used inside the exception message if there will be any exceptions.

    Returns Promise<string>

    the Promise

    returned by the sendTransactionFunc.


  • validateBaseChain(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateChainInfo(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateCustomChainInfo(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateFeeMarketGas(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateGas(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • This method checks if all required gas properties are present for either legacy gas (type 0x0 and 0x1) OR fee market transactions (0x2)


    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateHardfork(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateLegacyGas(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void



  • validateTransactionForSigning(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }, overrideMethod?: (transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }) => void, options?: { transactionSchema?: CustomTransactionSchema }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }
    • optionaloverrideMethod: (transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }) => void
    • optionaloptions: { transactionSchema?: CustomTransactionSchema }

    Returns void

